Invention, Intellectual Property and Income
I was a little nervous 😰, and I could not show Neil everything that I would like it to him about the documentation of the final project, but I think it caught his attention after mentioning the concept of wearables during the class of Invention, Intellectual Property and Income.
(26/05/2021 17:28 p.m.). The end is approaching!, and as Adrián says our social life is going to be very limited in the next few days (I am already noticing). 🤣🤣
During today's class, my crewmate, Mauro, has also been in the random review with me and he has done super well! Today was the day of Fab Lab León´s architects! 🤣😎🏙
(27/05/2021 18:12 a.m.).This week's assignment is quite "light" compared to other weeks, but the final projects are at their most critical moment and we have to dedicate our maximum concentration to them.
The whole design and fabrication part seems to be going from strength to strength, except for some inconveniences that appear along the way. Electronics, too, although there are moments of maximum tension and uncertainty with the regulator 🤯. And the programming is still pending... 😬😅
However, in a week, Mauro and me are going to go again to Fab Lab León 💛 with Adrián + Nuria + Pablo 💚💚💚and our crewmate Sergio 💚, so they can help us with the final touches of our projects. I'm already looking forward to that moment. 😍😍
Nonetheless, let's go ahead with the schedule and start the week with La cantiga de las brujas (The witches song) by Mago de Oz . This song is dedicated to my crewmate and friend Alberto. 🤗🤣🤣
Si la vida "un palo" un día te da (If the life "a stick" one day gives you)
Hazte una escoba con él (Make a broom with it)
Y si estudias dejarás de ser (And if you study you will stop being)
Bruja novata al amanecer (Rookie witch at dawn)

Organizing tasks
Again, we have only one assignment. In this assignment we have to:
- ✓ Develop a plan for dissemination of our final project.
- ✓ Prepare drafts of our summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080) and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB and put them in your root directory
- ✓ Formulate future opportunities
- ✓ Outlined future possibilities and described how to make them probabilities
- ✓ Prepared a draft summary slide and video
B.R.E.A.T.H.E (the name of my final project) is an experimental project about how to apply functional technology in wearable garments made with bio textiles.
Since 2018, I have participated and collaborated with studies of architecture, technological fashion and material experimentation thanks to architects and designers such as Zap & Buj, Marina Castán and Maria Mallo among others, who have guided me and taught me what the concept of "Wearables" consists of, and how to apply them in various forms and materials around the movements and the body.
Since the beginning of the pandemic and during the confinement, several households have been practicing static sports, such as yoga, tai chi, meditation or stretching, to avoid muscle atrophy in their joints due to lack of movement. However, amateur practices, guided by YouTube tutorials or mobile applications, not having a presential teacher do not know if the postures or exercises they are doing are correct or incorrect. From here the purpose is to make a suit that will incorporate a programmed sequence of exercises that informs amateur practitioners if they are well placed in the corresponding posture.
Although the design of the sleeve garment is my development (and I already started the conceptual idea during the last year with a more sensory approach), the technology that I apply could not be considered my invention. I have taken as a reference several projects carried out by Pauline Van Dongen or Clara Daguin who develop this type of sensory and light technology around the body.

Regarding the biofabrication materials, there were already recipes made with spirulina and gelatin (started by Anastasia Pistofidou), but none sought to adapt the recipe to achieve an elastic biofilms. As for the creation of biomaterials with raisins, it has been a completely empirical experiment and for which there is currently no authorship reference, so at the beggining the invention of this biomaterial is mine. It is still necessary to control the physical properties of the recipe to create large-scale sheets, but I have found this type of biomaterial could have a great opportunity to apply it as elastic biotextiles.
The main idea of this project is through the different techniques learned and practiced during the Fab Academy assignments, to create from zero all the elements and (almost) all the materials that make up the project: from the molds to the final joints of the garment. This pieces and all the components conformed are at the same time be exclusive pieces, so their sale and distribution would only be done by me.
As a Fab Academy student, all of this work is supported by the MIT License, whereby anyone can use all documentation and files on this website without restrictions, as it is an open source initiative.
Since all the development of this project is going to be public, I want to use a Creative Commons (CC) license, which is a non-profit organization focused on getting the largest number of creative works available so that others can reproduce and share them legally. This organization offers you several licenses according to the copyright, commercial use, communication or public assignment we want to carry out.
For my project I am going to use:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- What does this type of license mean?
This means that:
- You are free to: share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material).
Under this following terms:
- _Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
- _NonCommercial: you may not use the material for commercial purposes.
- _ShareAlike: if you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
As I have explained in the Applications and Implications assignment, and I have introduced it in the Invention section, this project is a first prototype to investigate the feasibility of creating therapeutic biowearables, with health and educational purposes and non-profit purposes.
An ambitious idea would be to continue exhaustively with the research of an arm applying new sequences of exercises. As the evolution with the arm is successful, the next spirals are to introduce more body joints, add more programmable posture codes and communicate both joints with each other until a full suit is achieved. For this, it would be appropriate to find a research group with which to continue working and publish it in design, culture and health magazines, such as Wearables Pro, Vein Magazine or Dezeen platform.
Another idea is working with foundations to create smaller prostheses and use them as autonomous assistants for people who need rehabilitation in certain joints.
It could be also viable making a manufacturing kit, for those who have access to a Fab Lab or Maker Space, and can create and sew their own biomaterial garments. Regarding the electronics, they would have to be boards already manufactured where only each of the components would have to be sewn, within the biomaterial integration system that comes milled inside the molds.
It would be very exciting to see other people creating their own structures inside the sleeve 😍, and developing their own biomaterials on it. It would be a way to introduce and expand the knowledge and application that biomaterials and wearables may have in the near future.
For the development of the slide, I have used Illustrator and GIMP where I have introduced a principal image of the first prototype and below a series of photos that explain the parts make up the sleeve and have been part of the process.
As for the video, as a amateur, I have used the default IOS software, iMovie to edit and create the video.