About me
Hi ! A few words about me ? Well… My name is Jules Topart, I’m from Amiens, a middle sized city in North of France. I’m work as an engineer/teacher. I make robots and small mecatronics system for research and educationnal purpose.
I worked in a fablab nammed La Machinerie from 2017 to May 2021. I’m currently working at Unilasalle Amiens (engineering school) as a teacher / PhD Student.
My background
I was born in a small city named Fourmies in (the very) North of France. I quickly moved to Amiens were I lived nowadays.
The famous scifi/fantasy writer Jules Verne spent a few years in Amiens (Actuallly he died here). As we share the same firstname, I read a lot of his books when I was younger. I’ve always been very insterested by moving things like Animals, Vehicles and more recently by robots. It’s propably why I work as an engineer now…
Amiens, as lot of french cities, is charged of history… I’ll never get bored looking at our Cathedral ! There is a bunch of old building and the modern architercure is growing around it. I love this kind of mixing between modern and rustic building. It’s charming.
Amiens is also surrounded by water. During spring time, it is kind of mystic. Add a bit of fog and Boom ! You have a medival fantasy story.
In 2017, I successfully got a 2 years degree in Mechanical engineering and automation and I began to work at the local fablab. I started to get involved in cool robotics project such as the french robotics cup.
A year ago, I got my engineering master degree. I studied mechanical engineering in Belfort (near switzerland) where I learned about aerodynamics, topology optimization, manufacturing and so on…
Belfort was a very cool place to lived since it is surrounded by montain and dense forest. Belfort is a few hours far from Berne, where Albert Einstein discover relativity. This context was very inspiring. However I feel the need to go back to Amiens after my master…
Previous work
I’ve been working on several project over the last three years. I participated to develop an educationnal drawing robot named Botly
Over the time projects are becoming long term and more serious… but I’ve done a lot of experiment along the journey!
Oh yeah and my PhD is about 3d printing multimaterial things like battery and mecatronics.