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Week 4. Electronics Production

week 4 group assignment is to characterize the design rules for my PCB production process


This week we are going to explore about the Electronics Production which helps us to convert ideas to real world Products especially hardware. So it is necessary today if we want to control anything smart it required a smart hardware which perform well.There are many type of electronics production techniques available depends of the scale of the product

Basic electronics production steps:-

  • Design the Idea to a Schematic
  • Create PCB Layouts from the Schematic
  • Make PCB (Printed Circuit boards) from the Layout
  • Assemble the components on the PCB using Soldering
  • Testing and Finishing

basic Electronics production steps are given above. So we are gonna learn and do how Electronics Productions are done in FAB lAB and which methods are using

For this assignment the Design and Layouts are already given so we don't have to make a design one.Instructed to make a In 'circuit Programer' as Individual assignment.The PCB production method I know is the chemical etching method but FAB Foundation not supports that method much because of the safety issues. So in FAB LABs We relay PCB Milling method for creating Prototyping PCBs