Week 5: 3D scanning and printing

3D modeling and printing

Actually I already have experience using 3D printers so that inspired me to look for something challenging to print, in this case I decided to make a Hoberman Circle to be printed all at once fully assembled, and of course the result to be fully functional.

I started designing the model in Fusion 360 taking into account the feature that it will be one piece, so it is necessary to take into account tolerances so that the Hoberman Circle can move after printing.

This time I used a design tolerance of 1mm on the rotary joints.

After finishing the design it was a matter of exporting the file in STL format from Fusion 360.

With the STL file ready it is necessary to slice it into layers for 3D printing, this task was executed using Ultimaker CURA.

The main printing parameters are:

  • Layer Height: 0.2 mm
  • Infill Density: 15 %
  • Infill Patrern: Triangles
  • Printing temperature: 205 °C
  • Print speed: 70 mm/s
  • Enable Retraction: True
  • Generate support: Disable
  • Build plate Adhesion Type: Skirt

The printing parameters in detail are as follows:

The material I used was a PrimaValue PLA print in red color. The printing process is quite simple, first you have to export the file, in my case I am using an Ultimaker S5 printer so the recommended format is UFP, or in any other (including the Ultimaker S5) you can use directly G-code.

Once the file is exported it is necessary to pass it to the printer through a network connection with the printer or simply using a USB stick, in my case I used a USB stick, insert the stick in the front port of the printer.

Press the "Select from USB" option.

Find the file you want to print and click on it, a preview of the 3D model will appear and a "Start print" button that allows you to start printing.

The first minutes of printing are very crucial, it is necessary to make sure that the print adheres properly to the Hotbed of the printer, for this specific print it was only necessary to make sure that the first layers were fixed.

The final print worked perfectly!

Experiments with 3d modeling

After using Fusion 360 for some years for 3D modeling I decided to experiment a little more with other forms of 3D modeling, some time ago I used a software called OpenSCAD to model a piece of which I needed a function to describe its surface to use it in a robotics project, then I wanted to use it again to model some figures based on mathematical functions, but I haven't used OpenSCAD for a long time so I needed to refresh a little the syntax, for that I started modeling something very simple and I was scaling in levels until I got to model something interesting.

Level 1

In level one I decided to make something very simple like a sphere, OpenSCAD already has some primitive shapes so it was as easy as making this little code.

It looks good but can still be improved by smoothing the surface by adding more divisions.

Finally, to make it easier to edit (although it is already quite simple) we only need to add variables.

Level 2

For this level I decided to increase the level of difficulty, I proposed to model a sphere but represented in a geometry like Wireframe. In this case it was necessary to use the parametric function that defines a sphere, the result looks very nice.

The code is much more extensive than the previous one.

                              // VARIABLES
                              radius = 20; // sphere radius
                              pi = 3.14159; // pi ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
                              theta = 0;
                              alpha = 0;
                              // 3D line parameters
                              smooth = 5; // line smoothing - WARNING: increasing this value too much causes the compilation to take a long time.
                              line_w = 0.5; // line width
                              // Sphere position
                              x0 = 0;
                              y0 = 0;
                              z0 = 0;
                              h_n = 8; // horizontal lines
                              v_n = 12; // vertical lines
                              // FUNCTIONS
                              function MySphere(radius, theta, alpha) = let(
                                    x = x0 + radius * sin(theta) * cos(alpha),
                                    y = y0 + radius * sin(theta) * sin(alpha),
                                    z = z0 + radius * cos(theta)
                              ) [x, y, z];
                              function getPoints() = [
                                    for (i = [0:2:180])
                                       MySphere(radius, i, 0)    
                              function getPointsZ(z) = [
                                    for (i = [0:4:360])
                                       MySphere(radius, z, i)    
                              // MODULES
                              module line(start, end){
                                    hull() {
                                       translate(start) sphere(r=line_w, $fn=smooth);
                                       translate(end) sphere(r=line_w, $fn=smooth);
                              module poly3Dline(points, index){
                                    if(index < len(points)){
                                       line(points[index - 1], points[index]);
                                       poly3Dline(points, index + 1);
                              // TEST
                              //poly3Dline(getPoints(), 1);
                              //poly3Dline(getPointsZ(90), 1);
                              // MAIN
                              for(i = [0:h_n]) {
                                    poly3Dline(getPoints(), 1);
                              for(i = [0:180/v_n:180]) {
                                    poly3Dline(getPointsZ(i), 1);

At this point I was quite happy with the result but I wanted to 3D print a wait that had a little more interesting shape to look at than a simple wireframe, so based on the above code I made some minor modifications and this was the result.

The code looks like this.

                              // VARIABLES
                              radius = 20; // sphere radius
                              pi = 3.14159; // pi ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
                              theta = 0;
                              alpha = 0;
                              // 3D line parameters
                              smooth = 10; // line smoothing - WARNING: increasing this value too much causes the compilation to take a long time.
                              line_w = 1.5; // line width
                              // Sphere position
                              x0 = 0;
                              y0 = 0;
                              z0 = 0;
                              h_n = 8; // horizontal lines
                              // FUNCTIONS
                              function MySphere(radius, theta, alpha) = let(
                                    x = x0 + radius * sin(theta) * cos(alpha),
                                    y = y0 + radius * sin(theta) * sin(alpha),
                                    z = z0 + radius * cos(theta)
                              ) [x, y, z];
                              function getPoints(d) = [
                                    for (i = [0:2:180])
                                       MySphere(radius, i, i*d)    
                              // MODULES
                              module line(start, end){
                                    hull() {
                                       translate(start) sphere(r=line_w, $fn=smooth);
                                       translate(end) sphere(r=line_w, $fn=smooth);
                              module poly3Dline(points, index){
                                    if(index < len(points)){
                                       line(points[index - 1], points[index]);
                                       poly3Dline(points, index + 1);
                              // TEST
                              //poly3Dline(getPoints(), 1);
                              // MAIN
                              for(i = [0:h_n]) {
                                    poly3Dline(getPoints(1), 1);
                              for(i = [0:h_n]) {
                                    poly3Dline(getPoints(-1), 1);

This figure was more attractive to print and that's what I did, but this time using Ultimaker PVA to print supports, the result is the following.

Level 3

Here I wanted to be a bit more ambitious so I decided to make a Menger Cube, because it is a fractal and can be done by recursive methods the code becomes a bit more compact.

The code looks like this.

                              cube_size = 30;
                              iterations = 3;
                              pos = false;
                              smooth = 80;
                                  translate([(cube_size-1)/2,(cube_size-1)/2, (cube_size-1)/2])
                                  menger_cube(n = iterations, size = cube_size, p = pos);
                              cylinder(h=cube_size/7, r1=cube_size/2, r2=0, center=false, $fn = smooth);
                              module menger_cube(n, size, pos){
                                      for (i = [-1, 0, 1], j=[-1,0,1], k=[-1,0,1]){
                                          if (abs(i)+abs(j)+abs(k) > 1){
                                              translate([i*size/3, j*size/3, k*size/3])
                                                  menger_cube(n-1, size/3, pos);
                                  if (n==0){
                                      cube(size, center = pos);

I found the result very interesting to print and I did it (no support was necessary).

Level 4

Now I wanted something a little more abstract so I decided to design a Cinquefoil Knot, the result was very interesting.

The code looks like this.

                              k = 3;
                              pi = 3.14159;
                              // 3D line parameters
                              smooth = 10; // line smoothing - WARNING: increasing this value too much causes the compilation to take a long time.
                              line_w = 0.2; // line width
                              // FUNCTIONS
                              function CinquefoilKnot(k, u) = let(
                                    x = cos(u)*(2 - cos(2* u/(2*k + 1))),
                                    y = sin(u)*(2 - cos(2* u/(2*k + 1))),
                                    z = -sin(2* u/(2*k + 1))
                              ) [x, y, z];
                              function getPoints() = [
                                    for (u = [0:2:360*(k*4)])
                                       CinquefoilKnot(k, u)    
                              // MODULES
                              module line(start, end){
                                    hull() {
                                       translate(start) sphere(r=line_w, $fn=smooth);
                                       translate(end) sphere(r=line_w, $fn=smooth);
                              module poly3Dline(points, index){
                                    if(index < len(points)){
                                       line(points[index - 1], points[index]);
                                       poly3Dline(points, index + 1);
                              // TEST
                              poly3Dline(getPoints(), 1);

After printing it looks like this, this print if it was necessary to use support that's why I used PVA Ultimaker.

Level 5

In this last level I decided to experiment a little more with surfaces but OpenSCAD is not very good at modeling surfaces, so the solution I found was to get slices of the surface I wanted to model and place a cube in that chorded point to get a surface built from cubes, this surface is a Gyroid.

The code looks like this.

                              angle = 450;
                              shape_size = 10;
                              order = 0;
                              module MyGyroid(angle, shape_size, order){
                                      translate([(angle/shape_size * x), 
                                          (angle/shape_size * y), 
                                          (angle/shape_size * z)]) {
                                      for(i=[0:shape_size:angle], j=[0:shape_size:angle], k=[0:shape_size:angle]){
                                          num = ((cos(i) * sin(j)) + (cos(j) * sin(k)) + (cos(k) * sin(i)));
                                          if ((num < 0.2) && (num > -0.2)) {
                              // MAIN
                              MyGyroid(angle, shape_size, order);

The print result is as follows.

As you can see in this 3D printed part it cannot be made by subtractive manufacturing methods because it has many intrinsic parts, also the tool cannot access all areas of the part which makes it difficult to manufacture it subtractively.

Like any technology 3D printing has advantages and disadvantages. To mention some advantages we have rapid prototyping, it prints what is needed without removing material as in subtractive methods, flexibility in design as it allows printing objects that are complicated or impossible to achieve by other methods. Some limitations are; printing time, printing area available, no final finish is achieved so it is necessary to perform post-processing for a final surface and difficulty to scale it to mass production.

3D Scanning

The first scanning method was using the EinScan-Pro+ scanner available at FabLab, this is a commercial scanner that uses an active sensing method based on structured light. This method has several configurations, basically it requires a projector and a camera, but in this particular scanner it uses a projector and two cameras.

The way structured light works as a scanning method is by projecting a pattern (usually stripes) on the surface and based on the deformation of the pattern you can create a 3D reconstruction, but that is possible because you know the transformations between the projector and the cameras, plus you also know the intrinsic and extrinsic properties of the camera, the distortion produced by the lens and some other parameters. This is just a very small and brief explanation of what is behind the active sensing method based on structured light.

In the 3D scanning process we decided to start by testing a very reflective surface knowing that the result will not be very good. Our test object is the following.

The result of the object with the reflective surface is as follows.

To solve this problem it was necessary to apply an agent in the form of spray that is like a water soluble matte paint to be able to remove it easily from the object, after applying this paint to the object the result is as follows.

The result of scanning the bear after applying the paint is incredibly better.

The next experiment was using photogrammetry, which is a method based on taking a collection of images from which a relationship between pixels or groups of pixels is created, from which the displacement of the pixels through the given sequence of images is determined. Like the structured light method it is necessary to know the properties of the camera, this information is usually contained in the metadata of the photos in mobile phones. A disadvantage of this method is that it takes longer post-processing time and requires hardware resources to speed it up.

For this it was necessary to find an environment with a constant and soft controlled light, with areas that are not over exposed or very hard shadows, this was the best we could get hahaha.

After more than 200 photos and many hours of processing the result in Meshroom looks like this.

The mesh in obj format and import it in Blender as you can see the result was not the best, especially in the part of the cap that was very complex because of the shadows it produces.

At this point one of the problems is that the mesh was too dense and I wanted to optimize it a little and lower the resolution, for that I used the software "Instant Mesh".

The optimized mesh I imported it again in Blender and corrected the mesh problems like the cap and the shoulders.

In the final result I was looking for some abstract and organic geometry so after a series of modifiers in blender the result is the following.

Then I decided to print a very small scale version and it looks like this.

The result may look not so good but it was a completely intentional decision on my part as I wanted it to be a print that would take a short time, that's the reason why the result is 49x30x45mm, also it was printed at a layer height of 0.2mm and at a speed of 70mm/s. All these factors influence the final result, I simply wanted to see a printed sample because the initial idea was to print it on a resin printer.

Group Assignment

This section describes the design rules for the Ultimaker 2 Extended+ printer in the lab.

The test piece was taken from this link.

The printing parameters are as follows:

  • Layer Height: 0.15 mm
  • Wall Thickness: 0.7 mm
  • Infill Density: 18%
  • Material: PLA
  • Print Speed: 60 mm/s
  • Travel Speed: 150 mm/s
  • Build plate adhesion type: skirt

The result of the printout was as follows

On the back of the piece you can see some strings, that means that it is necessary to increase a little the retraction to correct it.

In addition, the angle of inclination where it starts to leak a little bit of filament is approximately 45 degrees.

In general terms the printing parameters are working quite well but can be improved depending on the shape and functionality of the part to be printed.

Group Assignment Page

  • Ultimaker S5
  • EinScan-Pro+