8. Computer controlled machining¶
Hot Rod II Bass Body¶
CNC Machining at its best on this project to make the body of the Hot Rod II Bass for our friends ove at Dedelevve. Below the 3d Model of the Bass Body
Carefully choosing the Stock made of 100% OAK wood appropriately dried.
Picking the right part of the stock for the machining
Leveling the CNC Machine
Adjusting Z axis accordingly
Attaching the stock
Draft Machining 5m/min at 19000
Maximum speed 1m/min at 27000
Attention to the bridges so the body will remain at place
Really Deep Machining
Total machining time: 3 hours
Ready for post-processing
Final Piece¶
Final assembled Hot Rod II Bass –>
Hot Rod Final
CNC Milling Workflow Tutorial¶
Last update: March 2, 2021