Fab Lab ECAE
Different Microcontroller Architectures
compare the performance and development workflows
for other architectures
Cicely: Attiny45, Attiny44
Mohammed: Atmega328P, Atmega32u4
Carl: Attiny412, 1624
Talk about number of analog pins, digital pins, programming pins
Special requirements for each chip
so, for the group assignment we decided to compare the speed of two different chips to see how fast each can solve a differential equation using a benchmark test. The chips that we are going to compare are the atmega32p and the ATmega32U4 and they are basically an Arduino Uno and an Arduino Leonardo.
- This the benchmark code that we are going to be using:
- Atmega32p speed test:
- Atmega32up speed :
- Conclusion:
- Reading 500 pages datasheet is nearly impossible so I focused on skimming through the graphs inside the data sheet and the first thing I saw was the attiny45 micro-controller. So this picture tells me that the attiny45 consists of 8-pins and each pin has a different job :
The very next page of the this data sheet shows the pin description which I will need to know because I'll be using those pins to program my pcb::
Another thing that got my attention while reading the datasheet is that these AVR micro-controllers has a sleep mode that enable the application to shut down unused module::