About me
Hi! I am Vachik Khachatryan. I am a Machine Learning engineer at IntelinAir based in the city of Yerevan Armenia, I am working on aerial image processing, and our team delivers farmers alerts about their fields.

My background
I was born in village Akunk, in Gegharkunik province. I have a Ph.D. degree in experimental physics and always dreamed of having my own lab. Besides my current job at intelinAir, I recently co-founded a space research laboratory called Bazoomq. I am very enthusiastic about engineering overall, and I did several projects before founding the lab, but in most cases, the fabrication of the products was not critical, but rather classical engineering, and joining Fablab my main objective is to gain all knowledge about digital fabrication. Watch my Interview to Public Radio of Armenia.

Bazoomq Space Lab
The objective of our lab is to conduct scientific research and develop technologies for space exploration. We started with a balloon project that we want to send stratosphere do scientific measurements, and now we are researching high altitude platforms.

Previous projects
Uv Box
One of my latest project was to build a UV sterilizing box during a Covid pandemic for hospitals. It uses UV light to sterilize medical cloths, and equipments. It was designed such way that it would automatically turn off the uv when opened (because the uv is bad for eyes) And also had ventilator for ozone removal, which was producing during the sterilization.

You can read about the project here
Wilson chamber
During my student years, I tried to build a Wilson chamber that was making the traces of charged particles visible.

The white traces are alpha particles from Uranium source.