For the group assignment we have analyzed the current consumption of various electronic components with a Keithley DMM7510 Graphical Sampling Multimeter.

DMM7510 graphical sampling multimeter
As a start, we measured the current consumption of a LED connected in series with a 330 Ohm resistor and a little battery.

Diode current measurement - DMM7510 screenshot
Then we observed the current consumption of a small DC motor assembled with a wheel and powered with a 12V battery.

DC motor and wheel assembly

DC motor current measurement - DMM7510 screenshot
One can clearly observe in the above video that current consumption increases when the motor requires extra torque.
Also we discussed the possibilities to measure current with a hall effect sensor, or a INA219, or with a non invasive current sensor such as the 101990058. Unfortunately we did not have enough time to explore those solutions.