Fab Lab Ciudad de México

Mexico City

Computer Aided Machining Lab's safety training Runout test, alignment, speeds, feeds, materials, and toolpaths for your machine Task Select one material, size and thickness make a characterization table for diferente cutters Task development for this assignment we had to choose a material to cut (we chose 15 mm MDF) and our cutters diameter and flute type this are the ones we used.
From top to bottom and left to right 1/4" ER-32 Nozzle 3/8” ER-32 Nozzle 1/2" ER-32 Nozzle
 60° V Bit 1/8” upcut 2flute Endmill 1/4" Upcut 2flute endmill 3/8” compresión 2 flute endmill 1/2" upcut 2 flute endmill
From top to bottom and left to right 1/4" ER-32 Nozzle 3/8” ER-32 Nozzle 1/2" ER-32 Nozzle
 60° V Bit 1/8” upcut 2flute endmill 1/4" upcut 2flute endmill 3/8” compresión 2 flute endmill 1/2" upcut 2 flute endmill We have a A2MC AXYZ CNC router and a licence for Vectric’s Vcarve pro that was our software of choice.
Picture of the design: We create a settings by colors, to indicate different operations in the software. This are the parameters we used for the different flutes. 60 degrees "V" bit 1/8" endmill 1/4" endmill 3/8" endmill 1/2" endmill
This is the final engraving board, using the 5 flutes, measuring how it works in a regular environment. And this is the video of the whole process.

Copyright Fab Lab

Ciudad de México 2021