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Final Project

During Week 1 I wokr on several final projects ideas which I would like to us for final project.

Final Project ideas

I gave summary of my life and previous work because those ideas are result, either of the ideas I have related to some artistic projects or to help people with difficulties.

Idea 1 - Shapeshifter

First idea is related to sculptures by Croatian architects Vjenceslav Richter. His sculpture “asking” to make it interactive and first idea is to make tribute to architect Richter and make his sculpture living organism. Using stepper or servo motors controlled by electronics we can change shape of his sculptures. In addition, if we connect electronics with simple surface bending software which we can for controling shape of the sculpture.

Vjenceslav Richter and one of his sculpture

Practical use of this development, is to experiment with minimal/optimal number of point to controle bnding of surface in interaction with surface in 3D modeling software such as Grasshooper. This can lead us to possibilities to fabricate surfaces or parts of the surfaces which are 3D modeled in computer.

Pros - beside artistic, possibility for practical use in fabrication of bended surfaces

Cons - significant use of electronis and control with computer which might be demanding

Idea 2 - Tactile picture

This idea came across when I was working with students on capacitive sensors and discussing what are options and possibilities. Idea is to make tactile interactive picture (light & sound) but adapt and research if such project can be used for people with some kind of disabilities. Using capacitive electronics and interesting design discover options for blind people or people with autism.

Art can be existing, and information can be related to this art and the artist. For this we gave sample of Piet Mondrian Dutch artis and his painting.

Pros - beside artistic, this might help people with some dificulties to explore and open new possibilities

Cons - not at the moment

Idea 3 - Isothermal bandage/coating

This idea is result of very practical demand from one of our member in Fablab. Dragan, his name, got prosthetic partfor part of his bones in his leg. He was came from Bosian almost 25 years ago. When he was 14 years old when he diagnosed bone cancer. He is nw 30 years old.

One of the problem Dragan is facing related to environmental temperature when he is going from one space to another (interior to exterior or other cold/warm space) when he suffer from strong pain. Idea is to make some kind of isothermal bandage/coating for his leg, to keep temeprature stable or slow change of the environmental impact to his skin/body temperature using some heating and cooling parts controlled by electronics and sensors. 

Pros - solving real problem and possible practical use for poeple with same issues

Cons - only some aspects of the week assigments can be implementes, significant use of electronis and control with computer which might be demanding. Research various layer combination to remove heat or gave heat in various situation and experiment with various liquids which can be used nut whihc are also accessable.


More detailed research would be done after defining idea for final project.

2D and 3D Modeling

Add here your modeling and design.

Some other section

This is an updated text.


Qty Description Price Link Notes
1 Material one 22.00 $ Order many
1 Material two 22.00 $
1 Material three 22.00 $

Code Example

Use the three backticks to separate code.

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
  // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second


From Vimeo

Sound Waves from George Gally (Radarboy) on Vimeo.

From Youtube

3D Models

Last update: February 10, 2021