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Week 1. Principles and practices and Project management

First week of Fab Academy 2021 was exciting combination of setup GIT and all related references, experiment with webisite design but also working on ideas for final project and how to document whole process and above all first lecture by Neil Gershenfeld.

Working environment - website

First step after connect to Fab Academy GitLab was installing Git on local computer with Windows operating system and connect with remote repository by setting up username and e-mail as user and most important setup SSH Keys.

After trying with push and pull command and also add and commit commands, and combining working remotely but also local, I wanted to start mkdocs serve, but facing this has to be installed separetely. But to setup MKDocs and did that on Widnwos OS several prereqirement are needed.

  1. Installing Python also required PowerShell which I already got on computer because Microsofot Sharepoint administration to perform installation of the Chocolatery as one option using Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))"

  1. After Chocolatey installed, following command is needed to install Python choco install python --pre

  1. After Python installed, you might install pip with python but pip should be already installed. You can update pip with pip install --upgrade pip.

  2. After all previous is successfull installed we can proceed with MKDocs install with pip install mkdocs.

Problem and errors when starting mkdocs serve shown on picture require installing some other addons i for of themes and plugins.

  1. I had to install material theme with pip install mkdocs-material & pip install mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-pluginto start MKdocs properly.


Research done during week 1 was related to setting up git and installing necessery but also working online and remotely with Git.

Last update: February 10, 2021