- As in the first week of Fab Academy I learned HTML and CSS to build my website, I didn't spend a lot of time learning new
ways to build web interface.
- The structure of the control panel is that users define four values - direction, turns, speed and angle.
- To accept user entered values is needed click on the buttons.
To understand what actually is Flask in Python and how it use in my case I watched more than 7 Youtube video tutorial by Julian Nash in these topics:
From all topics I included some parts also in my project. In general this part for me was absolutely new and I wasted
a lot of time to understand parts of these topics, but I didn't regret it - it was really useful!
.. but how I did it?
First of all - whenever starting to work with Python, check the version of pip with command pip list
. If a
new version is available you will receive notice about that. For upgrade pip - pip3 install --upgrade pip
Then Flask need to install in Terminal by command line pip3 install flask
❗Notice: I use pip3 because in my case I have two version of Python - 2 & 3.
Then with the cd
command I go to the folder when I want to create and storage this project and create a new file.
I learned a new command from Terminal to create a new folder. Use the command touch [filename].py
New thing for me was also that often for Python it is necessary to build a virtual environment with command python3 -m venv [foldername]
then source env/bin/activate
In tutorials what I watched (see above) it was done - I also did that without deep analyze why, but later my Fab Academy
mentor Kris explained that in this case it isn't necessary, virtual environment is useful when at the same time you work with
different Python version and packages and in some case it could be in conflict, but if you don't want uninstall packages, then
virtual environment is way how to avoid it.
Use flask run
command, but there is a big chance that you will be notified something like
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. This means that in your interface will NOT be visible
debug information, just a message "Internal Server Error" and not always it helps developer to understand where the problem is.
To solve it try this command export FLASK_APP=[filename].py
, then export FLASK_ENV=development
and again flask run
Nice tips & tricks what I learned from tutorials:
When it's done is time to start programming - to supplement web interface from just design to usable app.
As I before never use Flask, I start with simple Flask example:
.. and then I modified it for my web interface structure
- At this part when I start to build data send and receive part I understood that some elements of my control panel design is needed change
At collect data part I learned about jQuery AJAX and built a code part:
$("#btnSet").click(function (e) {
var speedValue = $("#speed").val();
var angleValue = $("#angle").val();
var turnsValue = $("#turns").val();
var directionValue = $("#mydirection :selected").val();
alert(`Speed : ${speedValue} Angle : ${angleValue} Turns : ${turnsValue} Direction : ${directionValue}`);
type: "POST",
data:{"Speed": speedValue,
"Angle": angleValue,
"Turns": turnsValue,
"Direction": directionValue
success: function(response){
error: function (error){
First results of my effort in order to communicate. When I did it first time I received a message that "Method Not Allowed" for solve it I needed add methods=["GET", "POST"]
❗ This part really fascinated me - I put values in web interface and in local server I can see that values are received!
In the learning process I also first time tried something new - work with Postman software for more understanding of JSON.
- As my teammates had done the electronics part I can start work with how to control the motor.
- I learned something new what is related with datasheet - now I know how to find and to know which wires and
where are needed to connect together. For my tests I used a 12V stepper motor and datasheet I found on,
but the same way works with the 5V stepper motor what our group used for the machine - just find the necessary datasheet.

- Then I downloaded the grbl library from GitHub by gnea as a .ZIP folder, then extracted it and in Arduino added it like a library. Then I tried
open grblUpload file in Arduino and when I clicked on the Upload button, I received the error message. First of all I checked which Board type I chose, then
Serial Port number - all is right! Then I spent a time to understand where is the problem. The problem was that when I extract the folder it has the "grbl" folder which has the subfolder
"grbl" and the reason for the error message is that Arduino can't find this library path. What I need to do - just export files from subfolder to master folder. Easy explained if you know that, yeah?
- Then I installed Universal Gcode Platform software and tried to connect, but it doesn't work. First of all I checked which port I use - all is right! Reason why it cannot
connect is that at the same time I had opened the Arduino Serial Monitor. Lesson of this - if you want to work with software, close the Serial Monitor - now it sounds logical that it isn't possible
at the same time to use one port to two different platforms to send G-code. Again - easy explained if you know that, yeah?

- To activate G-code in python I added some code lines which I learned from the same GitHub repository by gnea:
# Open grbl serial port
s = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbmodem142101',115200)
# Wake up grbl
time.sleep(2) # Wait for grbl to initialize
s.flushInput() # Flush startup text in serial input
For me understanding the logic of G-code at this moment is not so clear, but what I learned after experiments that nonvariable is part of this G-code: "$J=G21G91X"
and know that I plan the structure of the if..else statement.
- Structure of my programming logic starts with that program checking which direction the user chose in the web interface and after that - turns which user chose.
@app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index():
gcode = "$J=G21G91X"
if request.method == "POST":
directionReceived = request.form.get("Direction")
if directionReceived == "CCW" :
gcode = gcode + "-"
turning = request.form.get("Turns")
xValue = int(turning) * 40
gcode = gcode + str(xValue)
gcode = gcode + "F400\n"
print("gcode:" + gcode)
Message = {"Message":"Python says hello"}
return Message
return render_template("index.html")
Below you can see the web interface first and final version of this assignment.
- Thinking of future development opportunities for this project our team thought that it would be useful if our platform not just can rotate, but
have a camera which can automatically capture image from camera in best solution - within a user-defined time interval, but for mminimum - on click.
- Before programming code it is necessary to install OpenCV with command
pip3 install opencv python
- Then I following by Youtube video tutorial by Coding Shiksha, but for me not all things didn't work immediately.
- First thing - in video tutorial after OpenCV installation it is enough to write import cv2, but in my case I received error message that cv2 can't be recognize. I solved it with command
from cv2 import cv2
- The second thing - in video tutorial after add all command lines and start project from Terminal - it works, in my case - not, but then I remembered then for running file from Terminal
I always need to write
python3 [filename].py
not just python [filename].py
- And the last thing - when code runs and camera window is open I can't see realtime image, but at the same time looks that code and camera works. I solved it with change a port of camera.
In video name of camera is cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0), but in my case - first of all I have two cameras, one is built in computer, the second like an input device. For that I need if I want work with
built camera (just for example, because in this project it isn't logical), then code is
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(1)
, but when with input device, then cam = cv2.VideoCapture(2)
- Below you can see code for minimum case - camera open with python code and when user click space on keyboard automatically image is capturing and saving in project folder:
from cv2 import cv2
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(2) #signature that camera starts work
cv2.namedWindow("Python Webcam Screenshot App")
img_counter = 0
while True:
ret,frame =
if not ret:
print ("Something failed!")
k = cv2.waitKey(1)
if k%256 ==27:
print("Escape hit, closing the app")
elif k%256 == 32:
img_name = "opencv_frame_{}.png".format(img_counter)
print("Screenshot taken")
- In videos you can see three episodes - one of them how motor rotate in CW direction,
second - CCW direction with other turns' value and third - the best result what we have when all parts are integrated together. In the third
video it is necessary to listen, because at the end you can hear that our group machine has some mechanical problems. More about that on the groupmates