Week1: Project Management


To start things off, I didn’t have that huge background in HTML coding since we had a brief overview of the language at university so when I heard that I have to create my own website I said to myself “Well this is going to be hard and I won’t think I’ll be able to accomplish such task” but here I am proud of what I was able to come up with and actually I never could’ve that creating a website will be that easy so if anyone is wondering if you can do it or not trust me you can do it and you’ll have fun doing so

1) Defining the software and websites that I used:

In this week of the fab academy we learned to use many software’s, each software has it’s benefit and will help me in developing my own website and they’ll help me in my documentation as well. I’m going to list down each software with a brief description of it.

2) installing and Creating an Account:

3) Generating SSH key:

The purpose of generating a ssh is to make a direct connection between the computer and Gitlab

4) Cloning My Project:

1- We followed the mkdocs tutorial.

2- In order to manually install MkDocs we need Python installed and python manager pip then we check if they already installed from the command line:

$ python --version
Python 2.7.2
$ pip --version
pip 1.5.2

3- I installed the Mkdocs package using the following command pip install mkdocs

4- I wrote mkdocs serve to generate a live preview link of the web and I start making changes but honestly I didn’t like the website design so I decided to stay with the web that I created so I start removing the default using this command git rm -r file name .file extension. and replacing them with my website files.

5) Creating a Website:

git pull
git add --all
git commit -m "message"
git push

6) Documenting My Work:

We are required to document every step that we perform in detail while developing the website. Furthermore, we are required to document our work on a weekly basis and upload it to our website. I didn’t feel that HTML was the ideal program the document my steps so I asked my colleagues and they told me that they are using atom software to document their steps which uses a language called markdown that is easier than HTML’s. So I opened a tutorial and learned about this language and used this software to document all my steps and then I had to change the language from markdown to HTML so I downloaded a program called Pandoc and it helped me transfer the file directly from markdown to HTML and this was done by the following command:

pandoc filename.md -f markdown -t html -c filename.css -s -o filename.html

7) Problems that I Faced:

I faced several issues while developing my website, The first being that I saved the files in a wrong folder and when I tried to push them they were not uploading to the website and then I realized that I had to save the files within the folder that has the .git file. The second issue that I faced was regarding the SSH Key, because I changed its location and I placed it in another folder so it wasn’t working, I had to do a new SSH Key and I kept it in the same location and it worked. The third issue was that I was getting an error which is shown in the screenshot below, I tried searching in google to know how I can resolve it and I found that the only thing to do to solve this problem is to write this command git pull