Interface and Application Programming


In this week we are required to write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that we made. So for this assignment I will be using processing which is a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts. With the help of this tutorial and this video. I was able to build my own interface. I’m going to list down all the steps I did in order to build an interface.

Also I will be using blynk application.

  1. I downloaded the processing IDE program from here.

  2. So all what I want that to make a window with two buttons , to control the LED however I should write two codes one with Arduino to uploaded to my board , and the other is in the processor , with java mode , to make the window and the buttons , then I will let them communicate through a serial port.

  3. For coding I started by setting up the libraries that I need, so I open the processor , click on sketch >> import library >> add library >> add controlp5 library.

  4. then I chose the mode that I want to work in , which is JAVA.

  5. now I can start writing my code.

Processing code:

import controlP5.*;    // library to make the buttons
import processing.serial.*;  // library for serial comunication
Serial port;
ControlP5 cp5;  // creat object
PFont font;
void setup(){                       // the set up similar in arduino
             size(400,500);           // making a window (width , hight )

         port = new Serial(this,"/dev/tty.usbserial-FT9ZYG47",9600);   // the serial port i will use

        cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
        font = createFont("calibri light bold",25);  // set the font
        cp5.addButton("on")  // name the button

   void draw(){


void on(){
  port.write('n'); // the function of the button , and it will send it to the serial

void off(){

Arduino Code:

 void setup() {
  pinMode(13,OUTPUT); // choose the pin

  Serial.begin(9600); // starting the serial


void loop() {

    char val =;
if(val == 'n'){
  digitalWrite(13,HIGH);    // if the serial read 'n' the LED turn on
if(val == 'f'){
  digitalWrite(13,LOW);  // if the serial read 'f' the LED turn off


The below video shows how it works:


To get started with Blynk:

  1. I downloaded the blynk app on my phone.

  2. I opened the apps and created an account on it then I clicked on creating a new project. This screen will appear where I should choose the name for my project, device and the connection type which is as shown below:

  1. This message will appear to tell me that I received the Auth Token on my email

  1. I opened my email to check if I received the email and yeah I received it. The below picture shows the email that include the Auth Token

  1. I pressed on the plus button on the top right of the page to add a controller from the widget box

  1. I added a button then I select the pin for the button which is as shown below:

  1. I added a terminal then I select the pin for the terminal which is as shown below:

  1. I installed the blynk Library on Arduino

  1. I opened Blynk website

  2. I filled the boxes below and the code will changed based on the data that I entered

  1. I copied the code to Arduino and tested the code.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial SwSerial(10, 11); // RX, TX

#include <BlynkSimpleStream.h>

// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "mlXllgf4Kk0I80T8mj_CG1z8lulnn2ZM";

// Attach virtual serial terminal to Virtual Pin V1
WidgetTerminal terminal(V1);

// You can send commands from Terminal to your hardware. Just use
// the same Virtual Pin as your Terminal Widget

 // if you type "Marco" into Terminal Widget - it will respond: "Polo:"
 if (String("Marco") == param.asStr()) {
   terminal.println("You said: 'Marco'") ;
   terminal.println("I said: 'Polo'") ;
 } else {

   // Send it back
   terminal.print("You said:");
   terminal.write(param.getBuffer(), param.getLength());

 // Ensure everything is sent

void setup()
 // Debug console

 // Blynk will work through Serial
 // Do not read or write this serial manually in your sketch
 Blynk.begin(Serial, auth);

 // Clear the terminal content

 // This will print Blynk Software version to the Terminal Widget when
 // your hardware gets connected to Blynk Server
 terminal.println(F("Blynk v" BLYNK_VERSION ": Device started"));
 terminal.println(F("Type 'Marco' and get a reply, or type"));
 terminal.println(F("anything else and get it printed back."));

void loop()
  1. Now I need to make an online connection so I opened the terminal and go to the folder that the Blynk library is saved on.

  1. Load the Script ./

  2. The below command shows that the connection is done. so now I’m able to control the Arduino using the Blynk application.

  1. The below video shows how I can turn the LED on and off using Blynk
  1. To share this code with others and they will get a full copy of my project I shared the barcode of my project.


At the beginning I thought that it is too hard to do this assignment. but with Blynk I found it too easy. I really loved this application because its straightforward and easy to use.