Input Devices

learn about Sensors to understand them

  • I thought the sensor needed for my final project was an acceleration sensor.
  • To identify the sensor, I have used the Aduino acceleration sensor GY-61.
  • Follow the tutorial to use the GY-61. Tutorials can be found here


  • I could see that X, Y, and Z values changed according to the sensor's movement!

  • And I read the data sheet because I needed to understand the sensor to use the acceleration sensor.
  • ADXL343 data sheet here
  • ATtiny85 data sheet here
  • ZLDO1117 data sheet here
  • week9




  • I read the datasheet, but I couldn't understand much.
  • The ADXL sensor communicates with the microcontroller using I2C and supply voltage range is 2.0 v to can see that 3.6 v
  • I can see that I have to change the voltage using the regulator Because I use a voltage of 5V week9

  • After checking the data sheet, I used Kicad to create a board design sketching.
  • week9


  • After sketching, I'm put footprint on my Board Then I connected the NEW PCB board.
  • week9

  • The connection was not easy, so it took 3 days and finally decided to use the jumper....
  • week9

  • I printed out the board design to see if it fits the size of the board and part.
  • week9

  • The switch didn't fit, so I changed footprint of switch
  • week9

  • The distance between the ADXL sensors was very narrow and the 0.4mm end mill was not available.
  • week9

  • I divided the layers of the board design because I wanted to cut the part of the ADXL sensor into 0.1mm end mill.
  • And I tried to milling using Fab mods
  • I tried to finish all the setup and start milling, but it didn't work.
  • week9




  • I had to find a new way and decided to save the setup as a G-code file and operate the machine.
  • week9


  • I tried to mill the 0.1mm end mill part first.
  • I thought it was neat, so I milling the rest and making the "first" board.
  • week9


  • The sensor seemed to have been soldered well, but I burning to attiny85 while soldering
  • I tried to save the board, but things got worse.
  • week9

  • So I failed the first board and made the second board.
  • The second board was good for sensors and everything was good.
  • I couldn't take a picture of the completed board, but I tried programming..
  • I downloaded the ADXL343 library from the Arduino Library Manager and ran the example.
  • week9


  • I installed the driver with Zadig to use AVRISP in Windows 7.
  • week9


  • The programming was not uploaded to the board and the problem was that a voltage of 3.3V should be inserted, but a voltage of more than 4V could be identified.
  • The problem was caused by the use of a 0.1A regulator, which should have used more than 0.3A regulator.
  • Remove regulator and re-program the board with a voltage of 3.3 V using YwRobot Bradboard Power Supply.
  • week9

  • Programming was uploaded intermittently due to poor connection between 6pin header and Attiny85.
  • My greed is endless, and I repeat the same mistakes.
  • I wanted a clean connection, so I had to do soldering again, and then I burned the board Disaster.....
  • week9

  • I decided to make a third board to solve the regulator problem.
  • The sot223 regulator was 1A regulator, which was larger than the 0.3A I needed, so I was able to solve the problem.
  • week9

  • Smoke came out of the regulator when I made a board and connected it to a laptop.
  • I checked with a multimeter and GND and VCC were connected.
  • I soldered it again and connected it to my laptop, but the regulator burned again.
  • I looked up the pinout of the sot223 because I don't think it's a connection problem.
  • week9


  • The footprint I used was different from the pinout of the actual sot233.
  • OMG... I was connecting GND and VIN in reverse

  • I cut the board connection with a piece knife and used a wire to solve the problem.
  • week9

  • However, I tried to connect the board from my laptop to see if the sensor had a bad connection, but I couldn't find the board.
  • I made the fourth board but In the process of connecting the sensor, the vcc and gnd were connected.
  • week9

  • I used all the available sensors and I was Despair
  • Help me...
  • my work

  • my board 0.1mm pnghere

    my board 0.4mm pnghere