I decided to make my first electronic product (as a product designer I usally work in the overall look or casing) and use all the new skills I have learned thru the course. This diffuser uses water and ultrasonic vibrations (Piezoelectric Disc) to disperse molecules of the oil into the air through a fine mist. It can function as a light (adafruit neo pixel leds) that will turn off/on with a clap (sound sensor). However, if the user does not make any sound it will automatically turn off after 30 minutes.
The purpose of my final project is to design a final product that blends with the enviroment and interacts with the user by developing an easy, intuitive product, beautifully crafted with honest materials that evoque calmness and well being, taking into consideration the semiotics (relationship between an object, and a meaning) and the purpose of the product.
I devided my development in different seccions:
- Design, CNC Milling, Electronics, Laser Cut, 3d printing and Assembly.
Preliminar testings
During Week 9 I tested some imput and output components, specifally the sound sensor. I decided to use it as the on/off sensor for my final proyect. I made some modification, for my final project I am using neopixels led and a piezo electric disc to create the mist. Both turn on and off when the sound sensor detects some noise. The advatage of using Neopixels is that you can program each led individually and creat different effects like rainbow or swipe (the one im using)
Here is a video of my first test during week 9.