Final Project

Smart Diffuser

Original Files

I decided to make my first electronic product (as a product designer I usally work in the overall look or casing) and use all the new skills I have learned thru the course. This diffuser uses water and ultrasonic vibrations (Piezoelectric Disc) to disperse molecules of the oil into the air through a fine mist. It can function as a light (adafruit neo pixel leds) that will turn off/on with a clap (sound sensor). However, if the user does not make any sound it will automatically turn off after 30 minutes.

The purpose of my final project is to design a final product that blends with the enviroment and interacts with the user by developing an easy, intuitive product, beautifully crafted with honest materials that evoque calmness and well being, taking into consideration the semiotics (relationship between an object, and a meaning) and the purpose of the product.
“Design should never say: ‘Look at me’. It should always say: ‘Look at this’.” — David Craib

Product visualization:

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Fabrication and materials and componets used

Fabrication techniques:
- CNC Milling - beach wood lid (wave texture) and beach wood ring
- 3d printing - water container, piezo holder, middle case and buttom case
- Laser cut - led cover

Materials used:
- PLA filament
- Beach wood plank
- Acrylic 3 mm
- Neodymium Magnet
- Stockaryd oil
- Polyurethane clear varnish
- Paint + Primer

Components used:
- Sound sensor
- Neo pixel led strip
- Relay
- Piezo electric disc
- Piezo electric driver
- Digispark ATiny 85

Softwares used:
- Rhinoceros
- Illustartor
- Arduino
- VCarve Pro
- SRP Player
- VCut
- Ultimaker Cura
- Fabmodules

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