4. Place the plate under the spindle a clip the nut.
5. Click on the "Z" icon. A window will pop and when ready click "ok".
After the Z sense is done, click "ok" and remove the plate and clip.
6. Open V Carve Pro, and set up the sheet according to your design.
First the material size, then the material thicknes, and the starting point or origin.
7. When done setting up the material, click on tootlpath and for cuts we use the first icon.
8. Set up the cutting depth (usally 1 mm more than the material thickness)
- Select the tool and the pases. (one pass should be same as the radio)
- Add tabs (small conexions that prevent your pieces to move)
- Press calculate.
9. Save it
Open the shopbot panel> cut part> open.
10. Press START.