1. Project management¶
This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process.
Creating the website¶
The first problem: the different system, when everyone was downloading the Git, I cannot do it. Thanks to Ivan and Jari, who help me use the terminal.
The second problem: SSH keys, thanks to my colleagues Xinhui, show me how to do it step by step.
In Mac: open the terminal
I first created a public/private key pair in order for me to securely access my remote repository. From the command line of the Git application previously installed I typed:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "Zhengya.gong@oulu.fi"
The two keys got saved in C:\Users\Zhengya.gong.ssh folder.
Next, I went to that directory and copied the public key file content and went to my Git lab’s account (which is hosted by the Fabcloud server) in Settings > SSH and pasted it there. After this it shows in my account.
After this I created a folder on my system to use for my local repository and I then configured it using the following commands:
git config --global user.name "zhengya-gong"
git config --global user.email "Zhengya.gong@oulu.fi"
After that, I cloned the remote repository to get all the files in my new folder by using the command:
git clone git@gitlab.fabcloud.org:academany/fabacademy/2020/labs/oulu/students/zhengya-gong.git. The link for Git clone can be obtained from the Git project page by clicking the blue clone button then copy the content under clone with SSH.
After this I had the files from my remote repository on my computer and then edited the file mkdocs.yml to change my web site’s name. Then,I staged all the files from the working directory to get them ready for commits.
git add --all
Then I committed the changes to make them available in the version history.
git commit -m "all"
After making the commits I pushed all the changes to my remote repository
git push origin master After all this I could see the changes on my website
The third problem: How to edit the site?
I learned it by myself from Google and the document of Fab Academy. Initially, I want to design a website special, and downloaded files from Bootstrap and watched the video to learn how to make the website beautiful, but after one day, I give up. I think I should not focus on one thing. I used MKdocs web static generator and that I have used the default mkdocs material template provided by default in fabcloud. In the processing, I got a better understanding how to add, commit, push the file, add the images and the video. Also, I met a lot of problems, like the edited index.md cannot be push; the images cannot be shown online; the video cannot be shown because of YouTube rejection.
The editor I used to modify the files. The name is “文本编辑” (maybe “text editor” in English) in Mandarin,that is default editor in IOS.
According to suggestions, I edited the mkdocs.yml, change the site_name: Fab Academy Zhengya Gong, site_description: Fab Academy Zhengya Gong, and site_author: Zhengya Gong using the same editor.
Also, I used the Photoshop to edit images, because it is professional software for design.
Therefore, I made a cup of coffee and worked until 4 am. Finally, I solved all of the problems. There are not too many images because of a lack of experience. Next time, I will develop good habits. Whenever there is a problem, the first thing is to take screenshots.
Final project¶
Initial ideas
At first, I had two thoughts that related to our daily life.
A box or container to store some necessary stuff, such as shampoo, cleansing cream, and body wash. When one of these run out, the container will remind me and show a message on my phone all day. The reason is because the last weekend when I was taking a shower preparing to wash my hair and found that the shampoo had run out. I need to go out to buy shampoo with wet hair for 10 minutes. I feel very discourage and stupid.
Draft 1
Slippers. This idea is also from my daily life because sometimes getting up in the morning can be a tricky thing, especially in Oulu, where it is too cold in the winter. So, I often miss the alarm clock and sleep. Therefore, I want to design the slippers that connect to the phone by Bluetooth and only turn off the alarm when it feels more than 1000 Pa of pressure. I think it could help me to get up early.
Draft 2
Finally, I decided to choose the first one after talking to my colleague Sohail and, because we think the first one is more useful than the second. Thanks to Sohail, who had been joined Fab Academy in 2017 as a student, then he was working on Fab Academy for 2 years. He helps me range the schedule and gives me many useful suggestions.
The container will be divided into 5 separated blanks, 4 for necessary stuff, and 1 for battery and screen.