Row'a Othman ✿
🕘 Date / Time:

Hello everyone! It's always nice to have you here :), My name is Row'a,
by Sept. 2020 I will have spent quarter a century on this lovely planet of
ours, I am an Egyptian mechanical power engineer. I graduated in 2018,
worked as a junior design engineer of HVAC & plumbing systems in hospitals
for a while, then I switched to pharmaceutical HVAC systems validation and
TAB. Although both jobs seemed really cool & interesting, eventually dull routine & office
work ended up making me wonder “Now what!”, there was something missing.
Something else out there that I knew I'll have to pursue. A shiny dream,
a greater purpose, hard work that could leave a deeper mark! That’s why
I farewelled my comfort zone, packed my stuff and started another path;
a career in STEM teaching, as children and teenagers are my favourite crowd ❤.
I joined Fab Academy so as to regain my long lost passion, continue
my learning process in a friendly environment and get ready for the upcoming
journey requirements, changes and chances awaiting.
I will always aspire to make a difference & to have a story worth telling .. ^^
©️ Row'a M. M. Othman - Fab Academy 2020