//Fab Academy 2020 - Fab Lab León //Motor //Adrianino //ATtiny1614 const int switch1Pin = 10; // switch 1 const int motor1Pin = 0; // H-bridge pin 0 (in2) const int motor2Pin = 1; // H-bridge pin 1 (in1) void setup() { // set the switch pins as input pins and activate their internal pull up resistors // so they are not in a floating state because their default state is now HIGH pinMode(switch1Pin, INPUT); // set H-bridge pins as outputs: pinMode(motor1Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(motor2Pin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // if switch1 is pressed, (=LOW because the unpressed 'pulled up' state is HIGH) if (digitalRead(switch1Pin) == LOW) { analogWrite(motor1Pin, 127); // set pin 1 of the H-bridge to 50% using PWM analogWrite(motor2Pin, 0); // set pin 2 of the H-bridge to low state } // if neither of the switches are pressed, the motor will stand still else { digitalWrite(motor1Pin, LOW); // set pin 1 of the H-bridge low digitalWrite(motor2Pin, LOW); // set pin 2 of the H-bridge low } }