Week 2

Project Management


Individual Assignment
1) Build a personal site describing you and your final project.
2) Upload it to the class archive.
3) Work through a git tutorial.

Learning Outcomes
1) Explore and use website development tools
2) Identify and utilise version control protocols

Individual Assignment

Making Website
1) At first I Start to learn HTML5 and CSS by watching some tutorials and reffering w3school.com.

2) I downloaded Visual Studio Code using the terminal to build my webpage

I faced problems uploding images, because the image sizes where big. So I used optipng and jpegopti to compress the images

3) I started building my own webpage with the help of w3school.com. It took a lot of time for me to create my webpage because this was a new topic for me. Since I didn't have any basics in html so I had to go with trial and error method to create my webpage as it is now.

Git and Gitlab for version control
1) Git was a new concept for me, So I start learning what Git and Gitlab is, and how to install it in linux. After understanding the concept of Git, I downloaded Git on my computer using terminal basic commands.

1st command line: anooj@anooj-g3-3579:~$ sudo apt-get install git -y
After enter administrator password
After check if it's downloaded

2nd command line: anooj@anooj-g3-3579;~$ git --version

If you get something like this "git version 2.17.1" it means you downloaded it

2) Set up Git
1st command line: anooj@anooj-g3-3579;~$ git config user.name "Your Name"
2nd command line: anooj@anooj-g3-3579;~$ git config user.email "Youremail@domain.com"

3) After installing Git on the computer, generate SSH key in terminal. The SSH key provides security and allows you to authenticate to the GitLab remote server without supplying your username or password each time.

4) To add my remote machine account SSh keys to the new GitLab account, I have to first find the SSh pubkey on the remote machine--on Linux you can do this by issuing the command 'cat~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' and the copy the output and paste it in the GitLab account

5) Copy the content of the SSH pubkey in the key section, give the key a title, and click Add key. Now I can push and pull changes to the GitLab server

6) To work on project locally, I need to clone it first, for that sign into the GitLab account and follow the commands.
Copy the repository SSH url address
1st command line: anooj@anooj-g3-3579:~/Documents/fabacademy/anooj-jacob$ git clone it@gitlab.fabcloud.org............

7) To make changes from the local computer to the server follow the commands 1st command line: anooj@anooj-g3-3579:~/Documents/fabacademy/anooj-jacob$ git pull
To pull all the latest files from the server to the local computer

2nd command line: anooj@anooj-g3-3579:~/Documents/fabacademy/anooj-jacob$ git add --all
To add all the changes that have been made in the locall computer

3rd command line: anooj@anooj-g3-3579:~/Documents/fabacademy/anooj-jacob$ git commit -m"changes"
To commit the new changes, so that it can be easily recognisable in the future

4th command line: anooj@anooj-g3-3579:~/Documents/fabacademy/anooj-jacob$ git push
To push the changes to the server from the locall computer