Week - 16
Applications and Implications
Individual assignment: Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered, answering:
What will it do?
I've decided to design a Smart Door Locking System for my final project, in which I'll use two IR sensors to count the number of people in the room, as well as an RFID module for door lock and keypad to access the room to keep undesired visitors out.
Who's done what beforehand?
After searching on internet i found a lot of Smart door lock but there cost are too high and Having no counting future available with system.
So i want to construct a low cost Smart door lock which open the door Smart and Counter the Number of persons present in the Meeting Room,Conferece Hall,Class room etc.

Door lock
What will you design?
I planned to design Smart Door Lock using skills which I have learned while doing fablab course. While considering above mentioned Smart door lock, my project working will be different from their work I want to integrate additional future to count the amount of people who pass through the gate.
What materials and components will be used?
- RFID Module
- Solenoid Lock
- Keypad
- I2C module
- IR Sensor
- Acrylic Sheet
- Satcha kit Board along with circuitry
- 12V Relays.
- 12V 2Amp Adapter.
- PLA for circuit 3D printed box.
Where will come from?
The majority of the components and materials are brought from online website ; these are some of the components I purchased; a full list is provided below:
- RFID Module(Sadar Bazar- Karachi)
- Keypad (from hallroad.org)
- I2C module (from hallroad.org)
- Solenoid lock (from hallroad.org)
- 12V Relays (Sadar Bazar- Karachi)
- 12V 2Amp Adapter (Chineese adapter bought locally)
How much will they cost?
Components | Number of components * Price of components(USD) | Total price (USD) | |
What parts and systems will be made?
- 3D printed box to fit Circuit and wiring
- Laser Cutted outer Box for keypad,LCD and RFID Module
- Vinyle Logo
- PCB of Volage regulator
- PCB of ATMega328p board
What processes will be used?
- 3D Designing using Solidworks to do all 3D Designing of final project includes door,support,circuit box, outside door box for placing lcd and keypad.
- 2D designing all done using InkScape in which files for laser cutting.
- Circuit designing done in Eagle 7.5 in which Atmega328p board.
- Electronics Production generated .rml files from Fabmodules, milling using SRM-20 and soldering components.
- Electronics Programing For programing the board using ArduinoIDE
- Interface and Application development made using MIT app inventer.
- Networking Using Bluetooth module interfacing with Mobile app and wired interfacing with 328p board
What questions need to be answered?
- How to make application more user friendly so it show the No. of person Available in Room ?
- How to save Record of daily basis ?
- How to easily implement it on Institutions, Restaurants and homes ?
- How to market this product ?
How will it be evaluated?
It should be evaluated on it's utility and the process involved in making this , As this project involve most of the skills which i learn during my weekly assignment as this involve, Designing, 3D printing, Laser cutting, computer controlled cutting, manufacturing technique, input and output devices as Ultrasonic sensor,digital temperature sensor for input, and solenoids for output, bluetooth for interfacing and electronics production etc.
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