6. 3D Scanning and printing

This week’s group assignment of FabAcademy was about the basic design rules of 3D printing and scanning.

Additionally, as an individual assignment, I had to perform a simple 3D-scan, as well as a 3D-pring that wasn’t possibil using a milling machine or another subtractive method.

Group Assignment

In the group assignment we made a model to check the design rules for our 3D printer:

Individual Assignment

In FreeCAD I design a 2D sektch showing half the cross section of the model.

I use a rotation method to make it 3D, and remove parts on the top.

Then, I work on the details, using some chamfers to achieve a smoother design.

I then prepare the model for 3D print. Therefore, I install the software Ultimaker Cura and import the file I saved in .stl format.

I set the layer height to 0.2mm. I can leave the rest of the settings as default and save the the GCode on a SD-card.

I put the SD-card into the Ultimaker 2+, which i set as my printer of choice in the software.

The model came out just perfect!