Week 17: Mechanical Design

It's been few days since life started to comeback to normal 'cause of the drop of corona cases here in Tunisia. So It's time to redo most of the Assignments!

Groupe Assignement

Link for the group Assignement.

Individual Assignment

For this part of the assignment, everyone must take a part in this and contribute in designing the whole model!

Since it's been decided to build a CNC plotter machine.
At first we made our researche of different designs, and structures of plotter machine to finally choose a one and to have a general info about the parts we're going to design. Initially the design was inspired from this model with a xy co ore.


I choose to make the rod holder of the machine. It's responsible of holding the penholder and make balance of the machine

3D Printing


For this part, I helped out in fixing the rods and the Penholder with my rod holder


What we need for this machine:

  • Arduino Uno
  • CNC shield
  • 2 motors
  • 2 A4998 drivers
  • One servo motor

  • the CNC shield will be mounted on the Arduino.

    We had to check for the motors and connect them to the motor drivers of the shield

    One trick can be used to check which pair of cables belongs together is to connect the cables one after the other and to check on the axis whether the resistance increases. If the resistance increases noticeably, the right pair of cables has been found.

    For this machine we used the LaserGRBL that can generate the Gcode to the Arduino
    and then it was time fot the Testing

    Rod HOLDER