Trap step Aseembling


After finishing with the programming and electronics ,it is time to assemble the whole parties and to see the final result

starting by assembling the board with the different components (RTC,DHT,servo motor,LCD)

I used adjustable plastic clamps to tighten the components cables as showing bellow

Then I assemble the battery and the camera enclosures

I activated the camera wifi so I can connect it to my smartphone

Then I tried to find the suitable fixing position of the servo motor and the camera (the pusher of the servo linear actuator need to push the on button of the camera to take a photo at the time i defined from the RTC DS3231)

Finally I assembled the trap , as showing bellow

As I mentioned I need a stickey plate and a pheromone capsule for the trap

The pheromone is to attract the insects

the stickey plate is where the insects stick once being inside