20.Project developpment

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process.

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what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

Studying fab academy was a kind of craziness , i’m agricultural engineer and i don’t have a background on electronics or designing … . After getting involved in this amazing experience, I concluded that the fabacademy is not limited for specific persons with specific qualifications or background , we can all learn and succeed. To finish all the tasks I needed 2 years since I m from 2020 fabacademy student but It was a good opportunity to learn a lot and the most important I relied on myself passing through all the asignments. It wasn’t easy especially in particular conditions such as the corona pandemic which holds me back so i couldn’t graduate the last year . But this year I felt so excited and I took the fabacademy as a personnal challenge .I guess I dit it .

what has worked? what hasn’t?

I do enjoyed the part about the boards designing and programming because I learned a lot about electronics but it was one from the hardest tasks because in our fab lab we didn’t have a cnc for boards milling so I had to move each time to other fablab especially during the corona pandemic and it was really exhausting and some times impossible .

for the 3d printing and the laser cutting process it works very well , I used to work with it a lot during the weekly assignments

The designing part also has worked but I needed a lot of time on fusion to learn how to do things in the right way

what questions need to be resolved?

What should I add for my current smarttrap project so it can fits the local and the international market ?

what kind of technology should I use to analyse the data if I want to develop my project more ?

what will happen when?

When I found someone to cooperate with so we can choose together what kind of technology should i use to analyse the data , i will start to commercialize it because for the moment we don’t have any kind of similar product in my country .The point that i need to make it accessible for the local farmers so it shouldn’t be very costed

what have you learned?

In fabacademy I learned many things on several fields and in many occasions . I learned to work in teams through the group assignment . I also learned to rely on myself more in understanding and resolving technical problems . I haven’t imagine that I can be someone who is able to design solder and program a board but now I can do it and I’m so proud about it . Really it was one from the most amazing experiences i passed through , it makes me discover a lot of new things and to dare myself