Summary Slide
Video Clip
See also tracking pages of my final project here:
- Breadboard Prototyping & Programming
- Circuit Design & Board Design at EAGLE
- Erectronics Production & Embedded Programming
- 2D and 3D Design of the Housing
- Presentation Preparation
Final Project Requirements¶
I’ve put together an errand about [光彩-KOSAI-].
What does it do?¶
KOSAI-KOSAI-] is an IoT accessory based on the motif of the Japanese traditional lighting equipment, the “Andon”. In Japan, there are many opportunities to wear a kimono or yukata, which are traditional costumes, on a daily basis. This IoT accessory was produced on the assumption that a woman wearing a kimono or yukata would wear it. On the accessory side, [ATtiny85] and [Neopixel] are built in, and we set the color and brightness of [Neopixel]. The glow of the accessories is controlled by [Obi-Dome], and there is a board with [ESP32] as the main component. The obi clasp controls multiple input devices, and the accessories light up based on the analog data each device receives. We’ve also written a program that allows you to control the color of the [Neopixel] through your smartphone.
Who’s done what beforehand?¶
I based the production of the project on several reference examples. The first example I used as a reference was a [wristband] developed by PIXMOB that was used in a live performance by [Taylor Swift]. The wristband is a receiver that controls an infrared irradiator with DMX, and the wristband understands the signal and can buy colors and emit light. It came with [LED] [infrared receiver LED] [button battery] as a use part. I used this product as a reference to figure out how [KOSAI] works.
Product Appearance | Inside the product |
![]() |
![]() |
We also needed to be cautious about [size] and [weight] in producing the accessories. So we used the example of charliestar, which controls [Neopixel] in [ATtiny9]. I’ve also made my own wearable board to fit this accessory as small as possible in both [size] and [weight].
What did you design?¶
The earring will be ATtiny85 to control the lighting of the Neopixel.
We plan to use 2 x 2 pairs of neopixels for a total of 4.
Two 1.5V button batteries are used to power each accessory.
An infrared receiver (PIC79603) will be installed at the bottom of the accessory to receive the signals from the ESP32.
Obi Clasp
Inside the obi clasp is a circuit that uses the ESP32 and a 1000mAh rechargeable lithium battery.
The ESP32 also controls an infrared transmitter to read input from the sound sensor, light sensor, accelerometer, and potentiometer and send the information to the side of the earring.
The battery is designed for up to three hours of use.
We have also decided to incorporate a charging circuit to make this a rechargeable device.
What materials and components were used?¶
Earring electronic component
component | vender | cost(JPY) | quanitity | total | notes |
ATtiny85 | Akitsukidenshi | ¥250 | 2 | ¥500 | shop link |
Neopixel_WS2813 | Akitsukidenshi | ¥30 | 2 | ¥60 | shop link |
Infrared receiver_PIC79603 | Akitsukidenshi | ¥120 | 2 | ¥240 | shop link |
Alkaline Button Battery LR44 (Golden Power) | Akitsukidenshi | ¥100 | 1 | ¥10 | shop link |
Battery board attachment holder (metal frame) for LR44 | Akitsukidenshi | ¥20 | 2 | ¥40 | shop link |
33kΩ | FabLab Kamakura Stock | ¥500 | 1 | ¥0.2 | shop link |
0.1μF | FabLab Kamakura Stock | ¥120 | 1 | ¥24 | shop link |
Outer material for earrings
component | vender | cost(JPY) | quanitity | total | notes |
tracing paper(75g/㎡) | Shimamori Bookstore | ¥1150 | 1 | ¥23 | shop link |
woodpaper | Amazon | ¥1100 | 1 | ¥220 | shop link |
Hoop Earrings Parts | Amazon | ¥599 | 1 | ¥60 | shop link |
T pin | Amazon | ¥108 | 1 | ¥1 | shop link |
Metal beads | Amazon | ¥548 | 1 | ¥1 | shop link |
Obi Clasp electronic component
component | vender | cost(JPY) | quanitity | total | notes |
Wi-Fi module ESP-WROOM-32 | Akitsukidenshi | ¥550 | 1 | ¥550 | shop link |
tact switch | Akitsukidenshi | ¥20 | 2 | ¥40 | shop link |
Low Loss Surface Mount Type Three Terminal Regulator 3.3V800mA NJM2845DL1-33 | Akitsukidenshi | ¥50 | 1 | ¥50 | shop link |
Red Chip LED [1608] OSHR1608 | Akitsukidenshi | ¥200 | 1 | ¥10 | shop link |
Rechargeable lithium battery(1000mAh) | MakerFocus(Amazon) | $22.99 | 1 | $22.99 | shop link |
5mm Infrared LED 940nm OSI5LA5453B | Akitsukidenshi | ¥200 | 2 | ¥20 | shop link |
Chip transistor 2SC2712-GR 50V150mA (40 pcs.) | Akitsukidenshi | ¥200 | 2 | ¥10 | shop link |
Electret Condenser Microphone (ECM) WM-61A or equivalent with lead pin | Akitsukidenshi | ¥50 | 1 | ¥50 | shop link |
Phototransistor 3mm round type 940nm L-31ROPT1C | Akitsukidenshi | ¥200 | 1 | ¥20 | shop link |
Accelerometer_ADXL345 & 6 pin header | Amazon | ¥720 | 1 set | ¥360 | shop link |
Power switch_SS12D01G4 | Akitsukidenshi | ¥25 | 1 | ¥25 | shop link |
Lithium Ion Charging Module_TP4056 | Amazon | ¥680 | 1 | ¥680 | shop link |
Slide switch for boards SS-12D00-G5 | Akitsukidenshi | ¥20 | 1 | ¥20 | shop list |
4 pin header | Akitsukidenshi | ¥35 | 4 | ¥4 | shop link |
400Ω | FabLab Kamakura Stock | ¥500 | 2 | ¥0.4 | shop link |
100Ω | FabLab Kamakura Stock | ¥500 | 4 | ¥0.8 | shop link |
49.9Ω | FabLab Kamakura Stock | ¥500 | 1 | ¥0.2 | shop link |
33kΩ | FabLab Kamakura Stock | ¥500 | 2 | ¥0.4 | shop link |
10kΩ | FabLab Kamakura Stock | ¥500 | 3 | ¥0.6 | shop link |
1MΩ | FabLab Kamakura Stock | ¥500 | 1 | ¥0.2 | shop link |
4.7kΩ | FabLab Kamakura Stock | ¥500 | 1 | ¥0.2 | shop link |
2.2kΩ | FabLab Kamakura Stock | ¥500 | 2 | ¥0.4 | shop link |
1kΩ | FabLab Kamakura Stock | ¥500 | 1 | ¥0.2 | shop link |
10μF | FabLab Kamakura Stock | ¥120 | 4 | ¥96 | shop link |
1μF | FabLab Kamakura Stock | ¥120 | 2 | ¥48 | shop link |
0.1μF | FabLab Kamakura Stock | ¥120 | 3 | ¥72 | shop link |
Outer material for obi clasp
component | vender | cost(JPY) | quanitity | total | notes |
Japanese Pattern Handkerchief | Kamakura huiro | ¥350 | 1 | ¥50 | shop link |
ABS required for the hausing | Amazon | ¥6000 | 60g | ¥100 | shop link |
Where did they come from?¶
- [week2] Computer Aided design
- [week9] Input devices
- [week10] Applications and implications
- [week11] Output devices
- [week12] Interface and application programming
- [week14] Networking and communications
- [week18] Project development
How much did they cost?¶
This is the total cost of the parts used.
[¥875] x [2] = [¥1750]
This is the total amount of materials used.
[¥305] x [2] = [¥610]
The cost of making earrings is [2360 yen].
Obi clasp
This is the total cost of the parts used.
This is the total amount of materials used.
The cost to make an obidome is [¥4500].
What parts and systems were made?¶
The earring and the obi clasp communicate with each other by infrared light. There is an infrared receiver built into the earring, and an infrared transmitter built into the obi clasp.
Earring side
Obi clasp side
What processes were used?¶
- 2D design
- 3D design
- Laser cutting
- 3D printing
- Erectronics design
- Erectronics Production
- Programming
- Networking & Communications
What questions were answered?¶
- The program description of the LED lighting pattern is very long, but is there a more concise way to describe it?
- Can the sound sensor program express the LED lighting pattern as “flickering flame”?
- How much can I simplify the production process for a workshop kit?
What worked? What didn’t?¶
- Use existing infrared remote control module for debugging
- Infrared communications are working fine.
- Each input device is working fine.
- Output the body of an obi-dome with a 3D printer
not worked¶
- Button battery voltage was low and Neopixel did not work properly.
- Installation of the board stored in the bandage was a little lax.
- Waterproofing of Earrings
- The earring hardware is not biting down hard enough.
How was it evaluated?¶
The clerk at the kimono rental shop I rented when I filmed the video for this final project told me, “If we could, we’d love to use your product as a rental product for the company. This project was made with a concept that made it easy for women to get interested in the [Fab] world, and I believe it was well received by the target audience.
What are the implications?¶
This project is not intended to be a product to be sold in the world, but to be developed as a “workshop kit” that will be used to teach programming and digital fabrication to women. In Japan, there are still very few people who know about digital fabrication. I think that’s because our activities are not well known to the female demographic. In order to promote [digital fabrication] activities in Japan, I think that if I hold the final project I created as an introductory course for [digital fabrication], more people will join our activities.
Special Thanks¶
FabLab Kamakura Instructors
Youka Kawahara
Osamu Yamamoto
Yosuke Tsuchiya
Kai Naito
Jun Kawahara
Asako Okazaki
Kae Nagano
AsiaReview Instructors
Saverio Silli
Ted Hung
Yuichi Tamiya
Photography Team
Model:Yuzuki Nagase
All Files¶
- ATtiny85 IR Receiver [ino]
- ATtiny85 SoftwareSerial [ino]
- ATtiny85 IRreceiver SoftwareSerial [ino]
- Neopixel Sample [ino]
- Earring Neopixel Test [ino]
- Earring Neopixel Test2 [ino]
- Earring Neopixel Test3 [ino]
- Earring Neopixel Test4 [ino]
- ESP32 IRsender [ino]
- ESP32 IRsender Potentiometer [ino]
- ESP32 IRsender Phototransistor [ino]
- ESP32 IRsender Soundsensor [ino]
- ESP32 ADXL345 [ino]
- ESP32 ADXL345 Fix [ino]
- Controller Tapmode [ino]
- Earring fix program [ino]
- Obi clasp fix program [ino]
- avr-7(ATtiny85 etc…) [lbr]
- IR receiver(PIC79603) [lbr]
- Neopixel(WS2813B) [lbr]
- eagle_fab(Resistor etc…) [lbr]
- fab(tact switch etc…) [lbr]
- adafruit(pin header etc…) [lbr]
- esp32 [lbr]
- NJM2845DL1 33 TE1 [lbr]
- 2SC2712GR [lbr]
- supply1(GND/VCC etc…) [lbr]
EAGLE date
- Earring [sch]
- Earring [brd]
- Infrared receiver [sch]
- Infrared receiver [brd]
- Obi clasp [sch]
- Obi clasp [brd]
PNG file
- Earring trace date [png]
- Earring outline date [png]
- IR receiver trace date [png]
- IR receiver outline date [png]
- Obi clasp trace date [png]
- Obi clasp outline date [png]
- Obi clasp antena date [png]
- Battery circuit trace date [png]
- Battery circuit outline date [png]
RML file
- Earring trace date [rml]
- Earring outline date [rml]
- IR receiver trace date [rml]
- IR receiver outline date [rml]
- Obi clasp trace date [rml]
- Obi clasp outline date [rml]
- Obi clasp antena date [rml]
- Battery circuit trace date [rml]
- Battery circuit outline date [rml]
Housing date