Tools I Use

Software (Linux and Cross-platform)


F3D - Fast and minimalist 3D viewer Fast and minimalist 3D viewer desktop application and thumbnail viewer. It supports many file formats, glTF, USD, STL, STEP, PLY, OBJ, FBX, Alembic.


VSCodium is a community-driven, freely-licensed binary distribution of Microsoft’s editor VS Code.

After learning and using git from the command line for several weeks, I installed VSCodium. VSCodium has spell check and an awesome markdown preview that has really sped up my documentation. I set up git repo in VSCodium using the documention provided on the VSCodium website above. The Git GUI in VSCodium to allows me to see what I am about to push to my repository and all locally updated files are show highlighted. Here is an image of what VSCodium looks like when used with Git:


Webcam Apps

Guvcview: good for exposure and manual settings Cheese Webcamoid: Allows easy switching between multiple video sources To try out in future:

Image Automation Tools


Rico Kanthatham suggested XnConvert for gui based image resizing, renaming and compression.

Collage Maker

Mountain Tapir Collage Maker A software for making collages. I used snap to install Mountain Tapir Collage Maker as suggested at the above link. This software is a little clunky, but it’s pretty easy to use and it’s open source. When I need to make collages I will use this software.

gThumb in Linux

gThumb comes installed in Linux Mint. How to Perform Batch Resize of Images Using gThumb in Linux

You can also set your compression levels in gThumb by navigating to right Hamburger menu that look like this ☰, Preferences, Saving, JPEG, Quality, I use 60. Also note you may also set compression for PNG and other image formats here as well. You can also switch between .jpg and .jpeg default extensions.

Video Automation


QWinFF is a GUI for FFmpeg. To install in Liux Mint use the Software Manager and search for QWinFF.


However I find the the ffmpeg command line is actually easier:

ffmpeg -i MoldMiiling02.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v baseline -level 3 MoldMiiling.mp4

or if you want to strip out audio:
ffmpeg -an -i Roughing.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v baseline -level 3 RoughingComp.mp4

For more info on ffmpeg visit ffmpeg Documentation


USB Microscopes

OKIOLABS OKIOCAMs. There are several models of the OKIOLABS OKIOCAM. My favorite is the OKIOCAM T USB Webcam & Document Camera 11″ x 17″ since it allows 11x17” drawings and other larger items to be viewed, by using the included arm extension. The resolution of the OKIOCAM T is higher allowing for a native zoom in on things like circuit boards without as much loss in quality. Check out the OKIOLABS OKIOCAM models at:

Also note that all OKIOCAM models can eaily be used for your primary webcam, a document camera, circuit board microscope as well as a normal webcam. This is a lot of functionality in one usb camera, for a reasonable price.

I no longer use the microscope and stand below since the camera above from OKIOLABS works for very close up views of circuit boards as well. A low cost microscope that has been working well for me in all operating systems is the Plugable USB 2.0 Digital Microscope. It works in zoom, cheese and other video software.

Stand for USB Microscope

A nice addition to hold, raise and lower the microscope above is the Jiusion Aluminum Alloy Universal Adjustable Professional Base Stand Holder Desktop Support Bracket for Max 1.4” in Diameter USB Digital Microscope Endoscope Magnifier Loupe Camera (Aluminum Alloy) What a long name! Anyway, one issue with this stand is that it is not tall enough to have usable field of view for circuit board viewing. So designed and 3D printed the following:
Z Extension for USB Microscope Stand: Onshape CAD

Video Scale Down Resolutions

I typically use 640x360 for Fab academy videos originally shot in 16:9.

Width Height Standard
256 144
426 240
640 360 nHD
848 480
854 480 FWVGA
960 540 qHD
1024 576
1280 720 HD

Issues with mp4 video codecs

I was having some issues with my mp4 files working. After talking to Neil he suggested testing by using mp4 videos already on the cba site. I did this and those videos worked. In my search for how to encode video for git hub / lab I found the following useful site: Encoding video for the web by: Vestride

Using the site above as a guide, I installed and used ffmpeg to allow me to convert my videos made in kdenlive to a codec that would work properly ffmpeg -i -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v baseline -level 3 output.mp4

NOTE! That your video file names in the above command must be short (5-8 characters) and have no spaces. After using the above code I tested with the following videos to see if things worked.

I tried to post my images using markdown, but that didn’t go well. So I used the following HTML code:

<video width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop muted>
  <source src="" type="video/mp4">

It fraking worked!

Markdown and HTML 5 Notes

Markdown table tables generator

HTML tutorials is an awesome site to learn about and test html code!


A 3D mouse that I love uisng with CAD software. I loved the serial spaceball that I used in the 2000’s on a SUN Sparc Station running UNIX and Unigraphics CAD.

Linux mint install for SpaceNavigator is as follows: See

Alternatively you can get the latest source code directly from our git repositories on github. Use the following commands to clone a local copy of our repositories:

spacenavd: git clone libspnav: git clone spnavcfg: git clone

Then install via: apt install spacenavd

For PrusaSlicer latest version works due to install above and work done here:

I have had trouble finding a working driver for chrome to pass sapcenav info to onshape my preferred CAD software.

See discussion here:

3DConnexion SpaceNavigator in Linux

for freecad

Linux Settings

Custom date formats I prefer Best one just below here %Y-%m [%b] -%e %a %l:%M %p

%a %Y-%m%b-%e %l:%M %p

%Y-%m-%e %l:%M %p %a %b

Linux commands

For startup journal listing journalctl -b -p 3