Model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, ...) a possible final project, compress your images and videos, and post it on your class page.
For the 2 D design there is Vector and Raster . Knowing that the main difference between vector and raster graphics is that raster graphics are composed of pixels, while vector graphics are composed of paths. A raster graphic, such as a gif or jpeg, is an array of pixels of various colours, which together form an image.
Often, I work with Coral draw, so I'll try My paint and Gimp and make the comparison.So in the 2D sketching programs there are common features like:
1) Sketching tools whether it's a brush ,pencil.
2) Drawing shapes like circle ,straight lines ,rectangle and so on.
3) Inserting texts.
4)Coloring tools.
But every program has its unique format.
Design in 2 D:
So I’ll start with
My Paint
First I downloaded the program.I started exploring it and it's tools in addition I follwed many online tutorials.So I played around with the brushes:
So to open a new file :
Then there is the brushed which you can choose from either from the menu or the tab below:
To choose a palet and colors:
We can make multiple layers for example to draw an item in one layer and another item in a diffrent layer and then construct a painting,we can merge layers together or block layers which means we can't eddit in it:Here is me trying to paint using the features above "Excuse me for my poor painting skills":
I divided the painting into diffrent layers and divers brushes:
That program is mainly used for painting.
Then I used
Incscape has a lot of features to mention for example trace bitmap which I use to convert an image to DXF ,to export for example to Fusion360, to make a logo ,or perhapes to transform an image for the laser cutter machine.In addition to the layers tool.Here are some features :
So first we open up a new file or sketch,we can import resize transform ,rotate :
Here is an image I drew using the features above like shapes and colors:
After that I was played around with the tools.
The program was easy to use.
As for
The program is more like photoshop but open source it's mainly used to edit images.Here are the main features:
1) We can add layers ,each layer has features.
2) We can crop zoom in and out.
3) We can insert images.
I started playing around ,I opened a new sheet:
Then I started drawing :
For 3D modeling:
I want to use as many programs as I can.
For the 3D design I'm quite familiar with Fusion and Solid Works so I will use them in addition to Blender and Free Cad which I'm not quite acquainted with . And then compare:
Fusion 360
I started with Fusion 360 and I made a simple demonstration of my Final project with animation and here are the steps:
First the inner mechnism:
I started by adding parametric dimensions:
Then I opened a sketch and draw a circle:
I made an offset plan and made another circle,then I used the LOFT command:
Then I extruded the bottom circle:
I made many offset plans to model the rest of the mechanism:
I made sure to turn Caption design history to be able to go back and change in the history of the design easly:
Then drawed the rest of the body the same way and to split the plate I used Extrude cut:
So this is the inner mechanism:
Then I made the outer shell :
After that ,I want to animate my mechanism ,so to do so ,I started making joints:
Then I made a motion study, and rendered the animation and Voila:
Free Cad
It's a free parametric 3D design tool ,it has a lot in common with Fusion but it has a diffrent format.
I will make a demo design using the features of the program. you can also find it in this tutorial :
so I started to open the program make a new file and choose part design then start body then create sketch.
Then I chose the plan to sketch on it :
After that I drew the shape below,there are many constraints to determine ,you can see it at the left tab like diemnsions,vertical and horizontal lines:
Then I used the fillet feature:
And to turn it to 3D object I extruded the shape:
I wanted to make a fillet:
So Blender is like a hidden treasure program, when I look it up ,it was like Prof. Neil said is good for animation,in addition
I found a lot of features it can do,
I couldn't beleive that an open source program can do all of that.So I will share my experience with Blender:
It was a lot of fun.
So after viewing a lot of online tutorials,I opened the program opened a new file:
Then I changed the cube to sphere "easier to deal with":
Then I added three more spheres to begin sculpting and to do so you have to know your brushes:
Also how to navigate:
You can find it in details in this tutorial:
Then I began animating:
After moving the leg into the desired position I added key frame to smooth the transition between positions:There is a lot of details to know
to animate for example ,it is really important to have a refrence to have realistic animation :You can learn a lot from this video :
And Finaly here is the animation I did ,it is not so fancy but I tried anyway: