Week 06

Electronics Design



  1. Group assignment.
    • Use the test equipment in your lab to observe the operation of a microcontroller circuit board.
  2. Individual assignments
    • Redraw an echo hello-world board, add (at least) a button and LED (with current-limiting resistor) check the design rules, make it, and test it extra credit: simulate its operation.


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week 06



Group Assignments (1)

    • Use the test equipment in your lab to observe the operation of a microcontroller circuit board.

For this assignment, since they were delayed in the weekly planning and the arrival of the quarantine by COVID-19, it has not been possible to carry out what was proposed on the scheduled date.

We have not yet been able to access the FabLab, nor the corresponding equipment to carry out the physical practices, which in my case are very necessary since it is not the same as simulating situations with characteristics given by default.

Individual Assignments (2)

    • Redraw an echo hello-world board

  • For this week I must remake a PCB and add a button and a led and test the operation, for which we must follow the following:

  • With the images exported from inside trace and cut we open the fab module and perform the same work process described in week 4 and to continue we save the cutting gcodes on the cnc.

  • At this time we are still waiting for the quarantine conditions to improve so that we can attend FabLab and continue with the physical manufacture of the assignments.

    Inconveniences - Delays

      The delay of this week is due to the same inconvenience of week 4 (repair of the CNC equipment).

      In addition to the above, we have been greatly affected by the quarantine decreed by COVID-19.

      We have not yet been able to access the FabLab, nor the corresponding equipment to carry out the physical practices, which in my case are very necessary since it is not the same as simulating situations with characteristics given by default.

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