Week 16

Wildcard Week



  1. Individual assignments
    • Design and produce something with a digital fabrication process (incorporating computer-aided design and manufacturing) not covered in another assignment, documenting the requirements that your assignment meets, and including everything necessary to reproduce it.


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week 16



Individual Assignments (1)

While I was investigating I found infinite information, however, I could not get a mental idea of how the theme of actuators working on pieces in two dimensions worked for sure. After so much surfing the web, I found these pages to be very interesting, inspiring and giving me a very good idea that I could develop taking into account the resource limitations in the Fab, time and the Covid-19 in its extended total quarantine. For the second time in Panama, here are the references:

After trying many times to design something, I found myself with the dilemma that there could only be vinyl thermal material in the Fab to manufacture my prototype and that the idea of design and product due to this, could not be realized. In view of the above, make the decision to play as test samples (visual and spatial intelligence) the actuators on objects (of the thermal type) found in:

I must clarify again that I feel very comfortable working for years with AutoCAD, I start it all by hand-vocaling directly to its 2D development in this software, take an internet image for practice and use it as an external reference (raster image):

As I put it, after many attempts I designed a hybrid between the things that I had already planned from the beginning and what I had investigated and a little… of inventiveness; ending with the following:

I must clarify again that I feel very comfortable working for years with AutoCAD, I start it all by hand-vocaling directly to its 2D development in this software, take an internet image for practice and use it as an external reference (raster image):

Fabrication process:

I have two options to carry out this assignment: the use of the Silhouette Cameo 3 or the use of the laser cnc, both equipment and procedures expressed in week 3.

Inconveniences - Delays

    Also track the InflatableDesigner software, it is shown in the presentation, but my efforts are not registered in my own account, nor by the request of support to the tutor nor in writing to the person who in theory could access this program in another Academy, as shown on their website. This had been an invaluable resource, each time combining 2D functionality with the physical behavior of the product; to be able to visualize the behavior of the model is priceless.

    We have not yet been able to access the FabLab, nor the corresponding equipment to carry out the physical practices, which in my case are very necessary since it is not the same as simulating situations with characteristics given by default.

    In addition to the above, we have been greatly affected by the quarantine decreed by COVID-19.

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