Hi. I'm Azniv Hovhannisyan.
Never be afraid of TRYING NEW THINGS and challanging yourself
Shortly about meNever be afraid of TRYING NEW THINGS and challanging yourself
Shortly about meA sketch of my final project
How to setup git and build a website
First steps to 2D and 3D modelling
Vinyl cutting and laser cutting.
Exploring 3D Scanning and Printing
Designing and printing a PCB
Making something big
Programing on Arduino
Image credit : "https://bit.ly/2VdWw0z"
Light sensor using LDR
GIF credit : "https://bit.ly/3cmz47a"
Developing the final project
Distance sensor with sound
Image credit : "https://bit.ly/2MUXxWz"
Programming applications
Image credit : "https://bit.ly/2BW2PyH"
Dissemination of the final project
Connecting the nodes by I2C protocol
Designing the mold and casting
Making bioplastic bowl
Acrilic banding machine
I am a...
I work in UWC Dilijan college. This is my third year in this wonderful multicultural enviroment
I believe that we learn every minute and from every one. Doesn't matter good or bad experience did we have, there is always a valuable outcome there.
I'm passionate about travelling. Nothing can replace the emotions wich I get from every new place I enter.