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5. 3D scanning and printing


  • design and 3D print an object (small, few cm3, limited by printer time) that could not be made subtractively
  • 3D scan an object (and optionally print it)

2020 Documentation

Group assignment Printer Testing and Troubleshooting:

group assignment

Our lab, equipped with MakerBot 2 Replicators, a MakerBot Replicator Mini, and an Ender-3, underwent rigorous testing. The MakerBot Replicator Mini and Ender-3 demonstrated superior performance after troubleshooting and calibration sessions. The group assignment involving overhang and bridge tests highlighted the varying capabilities of the printers. As part of a group project, we tested the capabilities of our 3D printers. We downloaded overhang and bridge test models from Thingiverse and printed them using both of our Makerbot Replicator printers. One printer performed well, producing high-quality prints without needing support for overhangs up to 50 degrees. However, the other printer experienced issues such as leaking material and poor print quality. We found helpful troubleshooting resources online, although it still didn’t match the quality of the first print. We also tested an Ender 3 printer, which produced excellent prints with no leaking material or curvature issues. Overall, the Ender 3 performed comparably to the first Makerbot printer in terms of print quality and support-free printing for overhangs


During testing, I realized that there are several critical parameters and features in 3D printing. Layer height plays a crucial role in print quality, while infill is essential for strength. Supports become necessary when printing complex objects. Personally, I found adjusting the print bed to be the most frustrating aspect of the process.

Additive vs. Subtractive Manufacturing:

Fundamental insights into additive and subtractive manufacturing processes were gained, emphasizing their distinctive approaches and overlapping applications.

Challenges in Designing:

The design process commenced with the creation of a functional hinge, printed successfully on the MakerBot Mini.


The subsequent challenge involved designing a small engine with components such as a crankshaft, pistons, connecting rods, and an engine block. Iterative designing in Fusion 360 addressed issues like thin walls and support optimization. Multiple attempts were made, each contributing to a better understanding of design considerations for 3D printing.

Engine Designing Process:

Inspiration and Conceptualization: Driven by a personal interest in mechanics, the decision to design a small engine involved conceptualizing components such as a crankshaft, pistons, connecting rods, and an engine block.

CAD Modeling: The meticulous CAD modeling process in Fusion 360 included considerations for both functionality and aesthetics, with challenges in determining appropriate dimensions and optimizing for 3D printing.


Iterative Designing: Multiple design revisions addressed challenges, including adjusting the thickness of connecting rod walls, optimizing for printing speed, and designing custom supports in Fusion 360.


Optimizing for Success: The final attempt included adjustments for wall thickness, fine-tuning custom supports, and a strategic decision to print without a build plate for expedited printing.

Final Print and Post-Processing: Successful printing was achieved, though post-processing challenges included breaking connecting rods and a stuck crankshaft. Manual manipulation and tolerance adjustments enabled a freely rotating engine.



Scanning Experience:

Exploration into 3D scanning involved using Xbox’s Kinect with Kscan3d software and photogrammetry with Recoup Photo from Autodesk. Challenges in achieving accurate scans, including the humorous issue of having multiple noses, were encountered. The documentation emphasizes the complexity of working with mesh and the time-consuming nature of photogrammetry.






2024 documentation

Group assignment 2024

for group assignment I determine the optimal distance between the two walls to prevent the filament from sticking to the walls during printing and to ensure that those walls are formed separately.

For this test we used the design shown on the YouTube channel Maker’s Muse:

I tried to print this test on creality k1 max. first try was not as good as i expected, the reason was use of build plate adhesion. to make hinges move i had to do some cleaning and loose hinges manualy even after 2 of them were not moving. Second try was without adhesion and all the hinges were movin streight out of printer beside .015. I thing it is because the filament that my printer was printing with was one of the cheapest on the market.

Scanning Experience 2024

I decided to Use a dental lab scanner Shining 3D Pro for scanning a coin. The Shining 3D Pro is typically used for dental applications like creating digital impressions of teeth for crowns, bridges, and other dental restorations. However, its high-resolution scanning capabilities can be repurposed for scanning small objects like coins with great detail.


For scanning 500 dram coin, I make sure to clean it thoroughly to remove any dirt that could interfere with the scanning process. Using powder to minimize glare and reflections is a common practice in scanning shiny or reflective surfaces like coins. The powder helps to create a uniform surface and reduces the amount of light bouncing off the coin, resulting in a clearer scan.

Fixing the coin on a stick or any other suitable holder is also important to ensure that the scanner captures all parts of the coin evenly and accurately. This helps to prevent any movement or shifting during the scanning process, which could result in distorted or incomplete scans.

Once I have scanned the coin, I can use software provided with the scanner to process the scanned data and generate a digital 3D model of the coin. From there, I can analyze the details of the coin, such as its design, dimensions. from shining3d software I can export .stl file and print it.


2024 3D Printing

2024 Group assignment

In 2024, let’s try something new: generative design. Instead of sticking to the usual methods, I’ll use advanced algorithms and AI to explore a range of creative options. This approach breaks free from the norm, letting us input design goals and watch the system generate diverse solutions. Generative design simplifies the process, optimizing for performance and aesthetics. It’s a fresh way to work, promoting efficiency and resource optimization. This shift allows us to push creative boundaries and reshape how we approach design in the evolving landscape of 2024.

In 2020, I used the Creality 3 for 3D printing, but this time around in 2024, I’ve upgraded to my own printer, the Ender Creality K1 Max. This means I can now compare the advancements in 3D printing technology between the two models. The K1 Max brings new capabilities, improved features, and possibly enhanced printing precision compared to the Creality 3. It’s exciting to witness how technology evolves, and using my own K1 Max allows me to experience firsthand the progress made in 3D printing from 2020 to 2024.

Designing a shelf bracket using generative design in Fusion 360 involves several steps. Here’s a general overview of the process: here is initial shelf bracket that I designed in few steps.


  1. Define Design Goals and Constraints:

    Start by defining the design goal. This could include factors like load capacity, material preferences, manufacturing constraints, and any specific considerations. In our case we need the braket to handle 20 kg of weight so In load section I put 200 Nm as a torque as a safe value. Set constraints such as the available space for the bracket, the preferred material, and any other parameters that are crucial for your design.

  2. Create a New Generative Design Study:

    In Fusion 360 and create a new generative design study. Define the study type, specifying whether it’s a single or multiple load case study based on the requirements of your shelf bracket.

  3. Set up the Workspace:

    Import or create the geometry of the initial bracket design. This will serve as the starting point for the generative design process. Define the preserve regions, which are areas of the bracket that should remain unchanged during the generative design iterations.

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  4. Specify Loads and Constraints:

    Apply loads and constraints to simulate real-world conditions. For a shelf bracket, consider the expected load it needs to support and any relevant constraints, such as mounting points and contact surfaces.


  5. Define Materials:

    Specify the material properties for the generative design process. Fusion 360 allows you to choose from a range of materials, and the software will consider these properties during the optimization.


  6. Generate Designs:

    Initiate the generative design process. Fusion 360 will use algorithms to explore different iterations of the shelf bracket based on the defined goals, constraints, and parameters. The software will present you with a variety of design options, showcasing different geometries that meet the specified criteria.

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  7. Evaluate and Refine:

    Review the generated designs and evaluate them based on your criteria. Fusion 360 provides tools for comparing and analyzing different iterations. Select a design that aligns with your preferences and requirements.

  8. Integrate with Traditional Design:

    Once you’ve chosen a generatively designed bracket, integrate it back into the traditional design environment in Fusion 360. Refine the design further, considering additional details, fillets, and any other features required for manufacturing.


  9. Simulation and Validation:

    Perform simulations and validations to ensure that the selected design meets performance expectations under various conditions. Confirm that the generatively designed shelf bracket is structurally sound and functional.

  10. Export for Manufacturing:

    Prepare the final design for manufacturing by exporting it in the appropriate file format. Fusion 360 supports various file formats commonly used in manufacturing processes. In our case it is stl format for 3d printing.

3D Printing

I’m going to use creality k1 max. And Creality Print slicer.

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Loading a 3D Model: Load a 3D model into the slicing software and generate the G-code, which is the set of instructions the printer will follow.Printing: Transfer the G-code to the printer . Start the printing process and monitor the initial layers to ensure proper adhesion and print quality. sting up the quality; layer thikness, filament that I’m going to use (petg) and speed of printing (180mm/min). After setting we can see actual printing time 1 hour 38 min and mass of print. placing printing part in workspace of printer and scaling the part if the sizes don’t match.




Since 2020, things have changed in the printing world. Printers have become faster and more accessible. I was very satisfied with my 2020 3D printing experience and wanted to push myself further in 2024, so I made a generative design bracket. Additionally, I think the scanning in 2020 wasn’t as good as I wanted, so I improved it for 2024. In the future, I would like to have experience with different kinds of printers, like SLA printing. Also, in my job, there are sand printers that print sand molds and cores.


2024 3d printing file. bracket

2024 scan coin