Design and produce something with a digital fabrication process (incorporating computer-aided design and manufacturing) not covered in another assignment, documenting the requirements that your assignment meets, and including everything necessary to reproduce it. Possibilities include but are not limited to wildcard week examples.
I recommend knowing how to use a sewing machine before attempting to use any digital embroidery machine. Some of the terminology is very similar and the workflow of actually sewing is very similar. This machine's official documenation can be found here. It's called the Designer Epic and is made my Husqavarna and Viking. The documentation on how to use the machine may be the best I've ever seen. Not only do they have a wealth of information on the linked guide but the machine comes with a guide and what's the best is the guide is also on the physical machine on the screen which makes it SUPER uder friendly. Also, while this is commonly referred to as a digital embroidery machine, it can do much more including regular sewing, button sewing, and more. This is the tutorial for how to use this tool... Linked here
The other thing I learned how to do was make a button.