Project Development

This week is really a way to both reflect on past learnings and to use that information to plot next steps.

Step by step...

What I need to get done week by week.

This is similar to the circles of progress Neil originally explained as an approach to the Final Project. Thinking of it this was has made the entire endeavor much more doable and I highly recommend this was of thinking.

What tasks have been completed and what taks remain?


Not Completed

What hasn't worked

What has worked?

What questions have been resolved?

What questions need to be resolved?

What will happen when?

What have you learned?

I think the question here is more so what haven't I learned. In the best of ways I now realize I am so out of my depths when it comes to most things electronics/physics/programming... and I have learned that if I know the right questions and the right people, I can figure nearly anything out. Knowing that is pretty empowering. Hindsight is 2020 and now that I'm so close to being done, there are so many things I think I would have approached differently and I'm beyond esxicted to support my own student's learning in this course and implement those ideas. I also think I'm just at the tip of the iceberg... being a part of FabAcademy has so much to do with learning new skills and understanding workflows of different machines... but I think it has even more to do with changing the world.. and being a part of that change in a meaningful way. I read Neil's book Designing Reality years ago which is what prompted me to initially be interested in this course and I don't know if the third digital revolution is necessarily what he thinks... but I do think we must change and this is one way we could. I also have to say, giving up felt so tempting so many times and I'm proud I'm still here regardless of if I make it through this cycle or not. I am putting my best foot forward and I will keep trying until I pass.