Making an object to interface with humans.


So I'd like for people near this to immediately see that there is an object they can interact with. When I first started thinking about this, I was focusing alot on the design from the perspective of "how will I make this?"... but I realized I need to think about the question "how will people use this?" first. So I think people need to notice something, then feel welcome to interact with it, and then recieve immediate feedback that they indeed should have done that. To back up a few steps, the point of this knob-y spinny thing will be to change the color (and potentially turn on and off) the neopixels in my furniture.

Initial Research

After thinking more about my concept, I googled around and a few people have models similar to the one I'd like to create. See video below.

So I like the way this workd but I've imagined this larger, with text, and using your whole hand as a way to turn the encoder. I then found the file below on Cultd and this did look more like what I was going for... at least in terms of size and functionality.

That video led me to this entire Prusa article which was helpful.

I also found this model which I wished was an stl...


At first, I used my calibers and did some measurements but then I found this DC motor model on Tinkercad and it appeared to have the exact end my roatary encoder has...

I made a quick model and brought it into Prusa Slicer.

A little tight but fits! :D

I decided I wanted to add text, so I created the design in Ai and then exported it as an .svg

When I imported it into Tinkercad... it wasn't happy.

I ended up creating outlines of the text so they were vectors and then it imported the .svg nicely.

New iteration looks good but failed. Let's try again!

This one didn't fail!

And I think the tex does what I want it to. But I will need to try it out on a few people first.

Design Files