1. Principles and practices

This week I drew a sketch of my final project and got used to the documentation process.

Fab Charter

I read the Fab Charter.

Research and Thought Process

My final project idea is to create a real-time constellation chart using neopixels. Where ever anyone is in the world, they will be able to have a personal and physical constellation chart. At first, I wanted to make an app that required users to take a photo of the sky and have the constellations from that image reflect onto the chart. However, when I pondered on the idea a bit more, I realized two issues: the image would have to be clear enough to make out the constellations and also, if it is cloudy or the sky is unclear, the chart, with this plan employed, would simply not function because there would be no constellations in the image. I would also have to figure out a way to differentiate the constellations from every other object in the image. Due to these possible difficulties, I went back to the drawing board. I contemplated on what would be the the most surefire way to identify different constellations in each potential users’ specific location, and ended up with a whole new plan.

What if I used GPS? I remembered that in the past, I had used a star-tracking app with my dad, and it required us to allow it to use our location. Because I do not know much about what GPS is or how it is used, I started with the basics: looking up what it stood for in Google. From there, after finding out that it means Global Positioning System, I researched further to see how I could use it in my project. From NASA’s Space Place website, I found that GPS connects to over 30 navigation satellites which circle Earth. Because they are always sending out signals, we are able to know where they are. Then, once one’s phone recieves a signal from 4+ satellites, GPS is able to know their location.

I had planned on using one’s GPS location to configure where the constellations above them are. From there, the chart would organize about 5 of the constellations together, so that the user can clearly see them. By using GPS, it would eliminate the risk of not being able to view the sky if I were to have used the image method.

After talking with Will Knight, a recent Fab Academy Alumn, I was informed of various ways to go about my project. He ver generously drew a rough sketch of possible ideas or ways I could go about the project without involving GPS. One way I really liked was superimposing 2-4 preset locations’ skies with EL Wire and LEDs and using a single micro controller to power them.


I always imagined the chart to look a certain way, but ended up shifting many factors of my original image as I was sketching. Specifically, I had wanted the chart to be in the form of a star; however, in order to allow space for more constellations on the chart, I altered it to a 12 in x 12 in square.

The main difficulty I encountered while sketching the constellation chart was figuring out how I would actually get the project to work. Ironic, I know. Of course, in my head, everything flowed and made perfect sense, but when actually contemplating the elements I want to include, I realized that this chart is way more complicated than I expected. Also, I have little knowledge on GPS and electronics in general.

I began by sketching the box and filling it in with grey and colorful circles to represent the individual neo pixels inside. I plan on having around 50 single-LED neopixels in total (although the sketch only showcased 40) to display 5 constellations in users’ immediate skies.

So far, I know that I will need plywood for the frame of the chart, 50 single-LED neopixels, a microcontroller of somesort, and a GPS device of somesort. As I was researching how other manufacturers of other star-tracking products track stars, I found that many of them use “photosensors” to detect light and “processors” to compare stars that have previously been observed to identify stars in the current sky. However, I will have to expand my knowledge on these because with my current idea, I do not believe I will need them.