Assignment 1 Narrative

This week’s assignment had two main parts to it 1) construct a website to track our progress of the final project and commit it to the Fab Academy Repository 2) Start initial work on our semester final project.

Part 1: Create personal web page and use the repository (GIT) The creation of this website is my ongoing attempt at learning HTML coding. While I have had enough training in the past to be dangerous there was a definite learning curve to these first two assignments. I chose to copy and modify a template from Templated. Both the HTML and GIT introduction parallel one of my hobbies very closely – snowboarding. While learning to snowboard you have to learn basic skills before you can progress on to more difficult ones. Once you believe that you have these skills learned gravity sends you a quick and often painful reminder that you still have a way to go. While there is no physical pain involved with HTML and GIT once you think you have an idea that you are progressing things tend to go wrong very quickly. The only way to get proficient is to practice.

Cloning Repository and getting started with Git

Step one - Open Git and Generate a new SSH-Key: ssh-keygen –t rsa –C “$youre-mail”

Step two - Enter for location to store file

Step three - Enter a password for you to use

Step four - Show public key: cat ~/.ssh/

Step five - Copy key: clip<~/.ssh/

Step six - Go to Fab Academy GitLab –

Step seven - Log in and go to profile settings and click on SSH keys

Step eight - Copy SSH from your GitLab

Step nine - Clone the repository: git clone

Step ten - Identify your repository location on C drive

Step eleven - Move all files into your folder named with lower case letters. Make sure your index file is there

Steps for uploading to Git Bash:

step one - Open GIT window to enter commands

step two - CD (insert your lab)

Step three - add your files "git add ."

step four - commit your files "git commit -m test"

step five - push your files to the repository "git push" and enter your password

When using Git within a lab with numerous people you may run into an issue where others have committed files to the repository. In this case you will need to do a pull to become the master. To do this you simply enter "git pull" and enter your password. Git will download the files that are different or new and add them to your local drive. Then you can simply add, commit and push your update.

Part 2:Final Project Idea: Problem: I am an avid winter sports enthusiast, tinkerer, and information sponge. When I pick up a new hobby I like to learn all I can about the equipment including maintenance and repair. One of my main winter sports hobbies is snowboarding. With all the fun and rush of adrenaline that comes with making turns there is an abundant amount of upkeep with your snowboard equipment. “Tuning” is required on a regular basis, especially in the Mid-West where temperature change and conditions are not always optimal. Wax is one of the key ingredients to making sure your day at your local ski resort is an enjoyable one. Unfortunately I have more than one occasion where my wax has not fit the conditions due a drastic change in temperature. Temperature is a very important factor when it comes to wax, glide and speed on a ski run. Waxing can be a time intensive process with the potential for waste and damage to your snowboard. Goal: The hot box method is essentially putting your board in an oven for an extended period of time while controlling the temperature. While there are a few designs already on the market they are geared toward professional shops and cost thousands of dollars which put them out of reach for the average person who enjoys maintaining their own equipment. I would like to: -automate the process as much as possible -reduce the amount of material waste -reduce the “hands on” time it takes to wax -increase the quality of the wax application to the snowboard base. -control the temperature accurately -use minimal energy to complete the wax -Use lightweight materials -decrease the cost of the overall project to make it more accessible to the average person.

Initial Sketch of Final Project

This is StoneWork, a free, fully standards-compliant CSS template designed by TEMPLATED. The photos in this template are from Fotogrph. This free template is released under the Creative Commons Attribution license, so you're pretty much free to do whatever you want with it (even use it commercially) provided you give us credit for it. Have fun :)