14. Invention, intellectual property and income


The assignment for this week was to develop a plan for dissemination of my final project, and to prepare drafts of our summary slide and video clip and put them in our root directory


My inspiration for my project is based on a device in a game called Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Seige, and due to the project being for fun/ to show what is possible to create, I do not believe that I will be applying for a patent or copyright. Therefore, I believe the best solution for my project would be to keep it open source and non-profit. I will use the CC BY-NC-SA license, or a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike. This means that anyone can use, modify, and change my work as long as they give me full credit, don’t use it for commercial purposes, and publish their new work under the exact same license that I have with mine.

Uploading Drafts

The next part of this week’s assignment is to prepare a draft of the summary slide and video clip. Although this week is usually complete in the weeks towards the end of the class, I decided to use some CAD models in order to make my draft slide.

