Chaihuo x.factory is a maker space for maker pros. It's an open factory equipped with tools and materials for electronics assembly, 3D printing, CNC, carpentry for in-house prototyping and small-batch production services. In addition, x.factory collaborates with local supply chain ecosystem to provide makers more versatile resources, making it making the process of "prototyping--engineering sample --small-batch production --large-volume manufacturing” more agile and efficient for makers.
- http://www.xfactory.io/
- https://www.facebook.com/Chaihuo-Maker-Space-590552864314519/
- https://twitter.com/chaihuomaker
Lab Capabilities
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling
- Vinyl cutting
Group Members
Nanjie Chen
Hi! I am Nanjie Chen, you can also call me Jesse. I am working at Seeed as a sales director. From my “avatar photo” you can tell i’m really into singing. And yes i’m quite good at it. Also i’m a “father” of 2 dogs, doudou and kaka.
I always have a passion on making especially when my company is in the industry of making. I’m aiming at following the course of this Fab Academy i will be able to make things, understand better of a maker spirit, make maker friends and be involved in a maker community.