#include CRGB leds[16]; int coler[16]; int s = 255; int v = 255; int starCol = 100; int readA0 = 0; int readA1 = 0; int readA2 = 0; int readA3 = 0; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); FastLED.addLeds(leds, 16); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: readA0 = map(5 ,0,1023,0,127); readA1 = map(analogRead(A1),0,1023,0,127); readA2 = map(5 ,0,1023,0,127); readA3 = map(5 ,0,1023,0,127); show0(); Serial.write("0"); for(int i=0; i < 16;i++){ Serial.write(coler[i]); //Serial.print(" "); leds[i] = CHSV(coler[i], s, v); FastLED.show(); } /* Serial.print(readA0); Serial.println(); Serial.print(readA1); Serial.println(); Serial.print(readA2); Serial.println(); Serial.println(readA3); Serial.println("---------"); */ delay(200); } void show0(){ coler[0] = starCol + readA3-20 + readA2-20; coler[1] = starCol + readA2-10; coler[2] = starCol + readA2; coler[3] = starCol + readA2-10; coler[4] = starCol + readA1-20 + readA2-20; coler[5] = starCol + readA1-10 ; coler[6] = starCol + readA1; coler[7] = starCol + readA1-10 ; coler[8] = starCol + readA1-20 + readA0-20; coler[9] = starCol + readA0-10; coler[10] = starCol + readA0; coler[11] = starCol + readA0-10; coler[12] = starCol + readA3-20 + readA0-20; coler[13] = starCol + readA3-10 ; coler[14] = starCol + readA3; coler[15] = starCol + readA3-10; }