
Principles and Practices, Project Management

Website Designing and Hosting

I had only a basic knowledge of HTML.Making my Web-page Websites are coded in HTML which is a markup language that is used to descripe webpages. A html document contains a text that will be interpreted by the web browser to display the webpage.To start building my website i learn from w3school. I have been referred online site w3school.It was a pretty good introduction to html & css and from this point i was able to get started and make my own website. I didn't build the template from scratch but, i downloaded it from This WebSite.This Website is created using Bluefish Text editor.I had hosted website locally using free and open-source cross-platform web server software Apache HTTP Server.

Working with Git Repositories [Project Management]

Start a new git repository

1.Create a directory to contain the project.

2.Go into the new directory.

3.Type git init .

4.Write some code.

5.Type git add to add the files (see the typical use page).

6.Type git commit .

tapas@tapas:~$ sudo apt-get install git [sudo] password for tapas: Reading package lists... Done

tapas@tapas:~$ git --version git version 2.17.1

Useful link


Fab Academy - Tutorials

Week 1 Assignment: Plan and Sketch a Potential Final Project [Principles and Practices]