https://circuitcloud.in/how-to-calculate-led-resistor-value-easy/ V=I*R
The importance of datasheets!! :D
electrons always get attracted to where there is a shortage of electrons. That’s why the current ‘I’ goes from - to + Voltage “V” is the difference of of energy between two points between which one Ampere will create one Joule. The unit of voltage is volt
Do buttons need resistors? https://electronicguidebook.com/do-push-buttons-need-resistors/
Calculating resistance of resistors with color bands: https://resistorcolorcodecalc.com/
QUESTIONS I HAVE: how do you do after the lab? which library? etc? can we still update the library sync and compare to the inventory for example? since the supplier link is there?
matter is made out of atom. Atoms have protons (p+) in the nucleus, and they are surrounded by electrons (e-). Neutrons are neutral and live in the nucleus with the protons.
Conductors allow those charges to move around. Materials that are conductors are such copper, aluminium.
Notes from electronics production - basics class.
I have used the arduino board the breadcrumb in order to make a prototype circuit. The two lines from each side of the breadcrumb are connected vertically. They are used to connect to GND and VCC. The lines in the middle are connected horizontally.
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When I followed , the LED didnt light up.
I had to connect the positive to the 5V pin of the arduino for it to work.
A LED is technically a diode. A diode usually allows to keep the current in one direction. It is polarised. Where it has the silver strip should be connected to the GND Conductor If the silver stripe is connected to the VCC, then the current wont flow and the circuit wont work. insulator reversed biased. Diodes are made of semi-conductor materials.
Capacitors can be with polarity or not. The ceramic ones are without polarity. The ones that lok like a battery have bipolarity. Connected the wrong way, they might explode.
This Video made me understand it.
Exercise number 1: change values of the resistance.
-Usually, resistors come with clor bands on them that allow you to calculate their resistance.
We can use to calculate it
- Voltage: energy: electrons moving from a low power space to a high power place
- Current: Amps