Evaluation criteria

2on Term

3rt Term

Grading and Final Evaluation process

Weekly assignments

Week 01 - Principles and practices

Individual assignment

Plan and sketch a potential final project and describe what it will be and who you can integrate it with Fabacademy (for instance, mapping it with the weekly assignments).

Week 02 - Computer aided design

Individual assignment

Model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, …) a possible final project, and post it on your class page.

Learning outcomes

Student should have


Is it compulsory to do parametric design this week? - No, but it is in computer controlled cutting. So it is a good idea to start learning now.

Week 03 - Computer controlled cutting

Materials and machines

Individual assignment

Learning outcomes

Student should have

Vinyl Cutting

There is no specific project that is focused on this very useful tool. There are a range of ways you might utilise it throughout the programme, or your local instructor may set a specific project. You might make:

Ensure that you have used it in some way during this time and met the objectives below.

Learning outcomes

Student should have


What does ‘characterise’ mean?

Can I use the Inkscape clone tool for my pressfit kit?

Is it compulsory to design my own file in Vinyl cutting?

Week 04 - Electronics production

Individual assignment


Fabricate your own LED BADGE using a desktop CNC and test it(make the led light up with the power supply):

Tutorial Reference link


Fabricate your own USB to FTDI using a desktop CNC and test it(DRIVERSmake it be recognized by the computer):

Learning outcomes

Student should have

Week 05 - 3d printing and 3d scanning

Individual assignment

Learning outcomes

Student should have

Week 06 - Electronics design

Individual assignment

Modify the Barduino (Eduino ESP32) with at least an LED and a button. Some extra credit could be: - You can also add the FTDI chip into the board, so that you can use directly USB - You can add a micro/mini USB female connector and the FTDI chip so that you can power it with a normal cable - You can modify and reshape the board to be however you want. Put the header connector vertically, horirontally… But always use female connectors (like an arduino)

Learning outcomes

Student should have

Note: Also, if you make a board and it doesn’t work; franken-hack that board (with jumper wires etc) until it does work, then make a new one with the knowledge you have gained.

Week 07 - Computer controlled machining

Individual assignment

TASK: - Make (design+mill+assemble) something big.

Learning outcomes

Student should have

#### FAQ

How big is big?

What material I can use

Can I join with a teammate to do something bigger

You should try to avoid glue - nails - screw in your design, that means used wood joinery with proper tolerances

Week 08 - embedded programming

Individual assignment

TASK - 1:

TASK - 2:

TASK - 3 extra credit:

Learning outcomes

Student should have


What board can I use?

Can I just program a blink

Do I need to understand what I am doing

Week 09 - Input Devices

Individual assignment

TASK - 1 Mandatory:

TASK - 2 Mandatory:

TASK - 3 extra credit:

Learning outcomes

Student should have


I don´t have arduino(or others) and neither sensors

What board can I use?

Can I just program a blink

Do I need to understand what I am doing

Week 10 - Applications/Implications

Individual assignment

TASK - 1 Mandatory:

Learning outcomes

Student should have defined

The answers to the questions above will allow you to create your BOM (Bill Of Materials).


Why do I have to answer these questions?

Week 11 - Output Devices

Individual assignment

TASK - 1 Mandatory: - Program your board(arduino/nodemcu/attiny/barduino) to activate an output - analogread/digitalwrite - Program in whatever language you consider and try to activate different outputs with the same code.

TASK - 2 Mandatory:

TASK - 2 extra credit:

Learning outcomes

Student should have defined

Week 12 - Interface and application programming

Individual assignment

TASK - 1 Mandatory: - Write an application that interfaces a user with an input and/or output. That means, make an interface to visualize data or to activate outputs

TASK - 2 Mandatory:

TASK - 3 extra credit:

Learning outcomes

Student should have defined

Week 13 - Invention,intellectual property and income

Individual assignment

TASK - 1 Mandatory:

TASK - 2 extra credit:

Learning outcomes

Student should have

Week 14 - Networking

By The Opte Project - Originally from the English Wikipedia; description page is/was here., CC BY 2.5, Link

Individual assignment

Read a sensor value and send it remotely to another chip. For instance:

Learning outcome

Student should have

Week 15 - Molding and Casting

Individual assignment

Learning outcome

Student should have

Week 16 - Wildcard week

Individual assignment

Learning outcome

Student should have