18. Invention, intellectual property and income¶
Summary slides¶
Summary video¶
Dissemination plan:¶
My target :¶
my project aim to reduce the bike accident deo to the blind spot, they cant see if there is a car or something behind them, in my century a lot of motorcycle accident happen to Talabat “food delivery company” because they want to deliver food as fast as they can.
Future Probabilities and How is it funded :¶
the Talabat company, Deo to the lot accident that happened to delivery agents in this company and the losses of time and money, they will start to think about my project more and how it exerts them the money and time. I will sell the whole project to Talabat when I enhance the project. if Talabat didnt buy my project I will start to make small production line and sell it in online market.
How do I enhance my project?¶
1.make it smaller : by making two side circuit that will help to make it smaller then before, more smaller it become more ease to fit on the helmet
2.changing the sensor : by changing the sensor it mill help to detect the cars more faster and send faster signal to the microcontroller this will help the rider too.
3.visibility of the screen : I want try more ways to reflect the screen. like using screed having batter brisance screen and trying to thick of batter way to reflect the screen.
Intellectual property.¶
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.