Applications and Implications

The assignment for this week is to propose a final project that integrates the range of units covered, answering the following questions:

> What will it do ?

> Who's done what beforehand ?

> What materials and components will be required ?

> Where will they come from ?

> How much will it cost ?

> What parts and systems will be made ?

> What processes will be used ?

> What tasks need to be completed ?

> What questions need to be answered ?

> What is the schedule ?

> How will it be evaluated ?


Where possible, we should make rather than buy the parts of our project.

Projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual mastery of the skills, and be independently operable.

What will it do?

The baby monitoring system will give live uodates about the baby lying in the cradle. If the baby is crying or the baby is feeling hot or if the bed of the baby is wet then there will be a message which will be sent to the parents and there will be a web camera which will give live video of the baby wherever required.

Who has done what beforehand?

While going through internet, i found many research papers relating to it. The fabrication of the cradle has been explained on those papers with the electronics that will be used is also explained in those papers. I found that a simple rocker mechinsm was created in the 2018 fabacademy to rock the baby cradle at different speeds.

What will you design?

I will be designing a model of the cradle using designing software. Different parts of the cradle will be designed and then assembled. The PCB will be designed to accomodate all the different sensors and microcontroller. The box for putting the microcontroller will be designed and fabricated using laser cutter or 3D printer.

What material and components will be used?

The hardware components include the following:
 NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Controller Board
 DC Power source
 Sound sensor module
 Temperature and humidity sensor
 Mini fan
 DC geared motor
 Wireless security camera
 Baby cradle

The software components include the following:
 Nx Siemens software
 Arduino IDE software
 MQTT Protocol server

Where will come from?

Most of the electronic components if can be made internally, will be designed and developed in the AKGEC Fablab. The other items will be bought from online services like Amazon, ebay etc.


                  WOOD= RS 1000/-
                  ATMEGA328P= RS90/-
                  OSCILLATOR= RS30/-
                  SMD RESISRORS= RS30/-
                  SMD CAPACITORS=RS50/-
                  ESP 32 CAM= RS700/-
                  NODEMCU= RS=700/-
                  3D PRINTING= RS 2000/-
                  SOUND SENSOR AND DHT 11= RS 250/-
                  Total Cost= Rs4870/-

What parts and systems will be made?

The cradle will be made using plywood and all other parts can be laser cut or 3D printed.

What processes will be used?

1. Computer Aided Design for cradle design
2. Computer Aided Machining for wood cut and design
3. 3D printing for priting of the boxes required for accomodationg electronics components
4. input Devices as temperature sensors and sound sensors wifi module and web camera are to used
5. Embedded programming to program Nodemcu with arduino IDE and programming of sensors.,
6. Output devices for motor control.
7. PCB milling on SRM-20 and soldering
8. Completing the project on time frame with project Management techniques.

What questions need to be answered?

1. How will the electronic design be done keeping all the sensors and controllers together?
2. How the webcam data will be delivered to the mobile phone of the parents?
3. How will messages be deliverered to the parents?
4. The Programming part, on how will the program be made to make the circuit do the required tasks?

How will it be evaluated?

The project will be evaluated on the basis of its working. If it is able to sense the inputs and if it able to give the required output will be the basis of evaluation.


A gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart that visually represents a project plan over time. I have made a gantt chart for the duration of the fablab where I have summarized all the activities that will be undertaken with the initial time line and the date of completion. The timeline is decided such that t i get sufficient time to practise on the assignments and do them with the prescribed period of time and according to the framework of the Fab Academy. The time line can be extended because of the Covid situation and the lockdown. The factors which i have taken are (i) All the assignments week schedule (ii) Project Development (iii) Procurement (iv) Design of the project and final project.
The timeline for procurement and final project are projected to be completed in the end of july as there can be delay in procurement.


Actual Time of Completion

The actual time of completion is extended because of the pandemic. I was expecting that we will be able to complete all the projects and assignments before july. But it did not happen and we had to extend it till november.

The original plan was to complete all the assignments before June with the duration of the fabacademy and then move to the final project. But the assignments completed by november and we completed the final project in August.

We wanted to complete our tasks as fast as possible but we had no local support and the time extended way beyond what we had expected.

