Hola. I'm Fabio López
Architect + changemaker + fabricator + builder & dreamer
who has so much passion about his work
Final ProjectArchitect + changemaker + fabricator + builder & dreamer
who has so much passion about his work
Final ProjectThe Fab Academy program is divide in 19 weekly assignments plus the final project, first semester 2019
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Assignment 4
Assignment 5
Assignment 6
Assignment 7
Assignment 8
Assignment 9
Assignment 10
Colombian Architect with Master Degree in Advanced Architecture at UPC Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya – IaaC, Barcelona, final project SANDBOT a small prototype robot which casts sand into habitable structures, Whilst at IaaC, Fabio joined the fabrication core team (skin) for the FabLab House project in Madrid (Solar Decathlon Europe 2010), back in Colombia in 2011 he founded a recycle materials construction company Blokcad Lab that later became Insitu Foundation, co-founder, creating public spaces in vulnerable communities or non-consolidated urban spaces with participatory design and implementation, auto-construction processes and the use of digital & fabrication technologies with recycling materials methods. Working from research + development, to community engagement, public installations to workshops. The Insitu program has been implemented in Colombia, South Africa, Venezuela, Spain, Peru and El Salvador, almost 30 public spaces interventions. The Venezuelan Insitu project (Spaces of Peace) in colaboration was Winner Biennale Architecture Quito 2016 – Urban Design and Lanscape Architecture.
Fabio directed the implementation of the Fab Lab Unal Medellin, at Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL) in Medellín. He also has been working for several years as researching professor in Colombia, Mexico and lecturing worldwide, he was invited to colaborate in two opportunities in courses & Workshops at Senseable City Lab and DUSP (Department of Urban Studies and Planning) at MIT. He has wide experience in woodwork, design-building, molding and casting materials, recycling construction waste management, community work and skills in generation and searching new projects. Since 2015 Fabio has been working for the Fab Foundation in fabrication asistance and general coordination for Fab conference events, installing Fab Labs as well as a technical and training manager for Fab Lab network around the world.
Our Insitu work engages participatory design practices, processes in fabrication technology & the use of recycle materials
EMAIL: fabiolopezmora@gmail.com - CEL: +573017679430