Femtech definitions
Fem-Tech definitions
A breif explanation on how FAM/NFP works
FAM: Fertility awareness method refers to a set of practices used to determine the fertile and infertile phases of a woman's menstrual cycle. Fertility awareness methods may be used to avoid pregnancy, to achieve pregnancy, or as a way to monitor gynecological health
BBT: Basal body temperature is the lowest body temperature attained during rest (usually during sleep). It is usually estimated by a temperature measurement immediately after awakening and before any physical activity has been undertaken. This will lead to a somewhat higher value than the true BBT
NFP: Natural Family Planning. Used interchangeably with FAM.
TTC: Trying to conceive (a child)
TTW: Trying to wait (to conveice a child)
TTA: Trying to avoid (getting pregnant)
FP: Follicular phase: The part of a woman's cycle that occurs when menstruation begins and lasts until ovulation occurs.
LP: Luteal phase. The part of a woman's cycle that occurs after ovulation and before menstruation.