My mistakes are my stepping stones to success


Work frontend
Assignment 2: Project Management

I am creating headlines as my life is my message to the world; just making sure that it is inspiring!

Build a personal site describing you and your final project. Upload it to class archive Work through a git tutorial.

Group Assignment

Our FAB LAB Manager Suhas Labade walked us through the procedure of creating our git repo.

Individual Assignment

Went through GIT online after the weekly global class and I started making My Personal Website. I also understood that the Version control systems are a category of software tools that help a software team to manage changes in source code over time. The Version control software keeps track on every modification done in code and store it in special kind of database.
My lappy crashed during the process and had issues uploading the Git. So, this is how I made my website.

What is git ?

  • Git (/git/) is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development. It is designed for coordinating work among programmers, but it can be used to track changes in any set of files. Its goal is to include speed, data integrity and support for distributed, non-linear workflows.
  • Open git bash put command to generate ssh keys to become authenticate user
  • ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -b 4096
  • Overwrite (y/n)? y
  • Done now copy the ssh key

Now copy the ssh key with following command

cat ~/.ssh/ | clip

Go to git lab fab cloud Go to settings and Open it.

Go to ssh keys

Open it, paste the key and add it.

  • Done, after that go to git bash and put this command-
  • ssh -T //Authentication
  • $ git config --global "hemang" //User Name
  • C$ git config --global //Configure email id
  • $ git clone //Repo on my Laptop
  • git pull //Data Pull
  • git add –all //Add Changes
  • git commit -m"test" //Commit
  • git push //Pushes the changes to my repo online
Then you will get a folder on your name in your documents as shown below followed by a css to edit, else you can put your own css template.
If you want to know the procedure I have followed to put your own css, the first step is go to this site as shown below.

I have download this css template and opened with html editor like this (TextMate) for Mac OS.

To edit css template I recommend this css editing video I had never edited css so its new coding for me I tried to edit for w3school

Issue – I was initially making my website in Spectrum. During the Global Evaluation feedback, my Global Evaluator suggested me to make my website in CSS. Learnt HTML and CSS programing from Scratch from w3school. Then I decided to edit my website in Bracket. My Co-Fabian Anand helped me in making my website responsive.
Finally I used css template to make my website and finally it this how my website looks like.

For Animated particles, the link is as below-

Click Here
The Student Agreement - Signed and Submitted.

My Learning Outcomes - I have identified a Bootstrap template page that was close to what was desired. Later I modified the template page to add the fixed header and navigation menus. I used the content from my spreadsheet to populate the week title and assignment details and cloned the assignment pages for the other weeks and final project and added content to the week one page. Finally, I have learnt how to make a personal website using coding and how to upload it on git.

References – Fab Academy Archives and Internet.

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